Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tally 7.2 Memory Access Voilation

late but ...

Merry Christmas to all.
I hope you all had the good!

Things here are worse every day and I seriously considered the idea of returning home. Now I'm looking for work and home so far from here at least you can appreciate this country (which for the moment I hate more than ever).
I would have so many things to complain about (first of all in the constant shoveling shit on Italy not knowing certain things that the double-passport comes in handy, eh-) but do not help anyone (and in fact I'd be more nervous pimples in my face and feeling of vomiting).
Let's just say that it is thanks to the words of the people I met in Japan (and still feel) that I still want to go ahead and I can see a reason to stay here (among other things, a friend invited me han to go and see a friend in Thailand and Malaysia might move from here, which means that I can go see him!).
vabbeh And, it means that I rimboccherò the sleeves, I'll find something to do, I move, I will be friends (or at least meet people you meet can speak) and begin to appreciate something of this land.

Ah, among the new one that will make you cringe: I tried to eat kangaroo meat. It was not bad.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Where To Purchase Gaggia ,tampa,fla

One of the reasons why I would return home in a hurry.

do not think there is a need for explanation.
Qualcosa ceh dovrebbe essere italiano

I also wanted to know the greek to understand even if their sign was full of errors.

Monday, November 29, 2010

What Causes Black Spots On My Lcd

All is silent in the land of kangaroos

In the land of kangaroos things are going slowly. Due to rain, I spent a week doing nothing (and I had just recovered from Jet Lag -.-).

On the other hand I saw in no particular order:
- girls go barefoot around the city (to which I objected 'but it is not dirty?' And I have people say: 'That's the Australian way !"... )
- triangular yellow sign with black kangaroo edges with blacks drawn to the center (he was crossing kangaroos?)
- triangular yellow sign with black edges with car against kangaroo and inscription "Wild Life" below (this I know was a "watch out for wild animals").
- Sign "warning aircraft crossing" on a road cut in half to an airport ...
- put ketchup on the skewers (this is also part of the Australian way, I suppose).

I have not seen kangaroos, snakes, sharks, or koalas (but they said yesterday to the radio standard by organizing patrols anti-shark or something like that). Ah, I saw sheep and a ram.

Yes, I know ... I have to help me move. Too bad they have called more rain (or rather 'showers here and there') and therefore we can not rely on time. E 'enough half-day sun because my face turns red -_____-. Tomorrow I prendere anche la crema solare.

Dimenticavo... c'ho ancora un meme di secoli fa da fare.
Taggata da [info] yoketto  

If you’ve been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Tag eight people. Don’t refuse to do that. Don’t tag who tagged you.

What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
It's sad to say but I don't have any current fandom, obsession or addiction T_T

Do you want to learn another language?
Actually more than one...

What’s the worst thing you’ve done today?
Uhm, trying to write in english my resume so that it could be right for the aussie standards.

What is the one skill you wish you had?

What was the last thing you bought?
Face wash.

What song are you currently addicted to?
Lollipop - 2ne1 feat Big Bang

What are you listening to right now?
Fighting Road - Kato Kazuki

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Livejournal, La Repubblica, Avanti Pop, Facebook, Gmail.

What is the one magic power you wish you had?

Your favourite flower?

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
Freedom and chocolate.

What’s your favorite song to dance to?
Any song that's stupid...

What was the last meal you ate?
Meal? Uhm it was something like "greek chese" with pickle onions.

What is the best place you’ve ever been to?

What's your favorite season?

What’s the latest movie you watched?
Prince of Persia, Sands of time.

What’s the most enjoyable thing you’ve done today?

What's your favorite musical instrument?

Where would you like to be at the moment?
In Tokyo with the friends I miss.

If you win 10.000 bucks today. What would you do with it?
Move, and go for a short holiday in Tokyo.

What's the last thing that made you happy?
Listening to a song I like.

Which fictional character do you think you’re most like?
I don't know.

What's the first thing you do in the morning?
Say "Good morning" to anyone in the house.

What's your favourite time of the day?
Late evening.

What's your favorite PV?
Uhm... ... ... T_T I usually don't watch PVs.

What are you planning to do after you finish this meme?
I want to finish translating a chapter of a manga I like.

Taggo tutti quelli che vogliono farlo ^^.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When Must Muslims Be Covered?

Il diario di Hyde

WARNING! this fan fic is totally fictional, the facts / acts / characters are not connected to reality.

Diary Hyde

01. Awakening

Work, work and more work. For some time I had a little more time to devote to the care of myself or my hobbies, and what irritates me above all limits. Wrapped
tell me, why I chose to become a musician, why? perhaps because they are beautiful and attractive, or earlier, or simply because I have talent ... as a child I was fascinated by the figure "mythology" of rock star full of money and beautiful women and all women are not only beautiful curves, even men. But who made me do!
Who am I? well it is not hard to say, just say that I am I, a being named HYDE at least in art.

September 18: I'm finally at home, locked in my room away from distraction as possible. A place where I can take refuge and think, think long and hard about my life, life that I led had I not achieved this reputation. Well, even my fans and also my fans, I think that deep down my face with my colleague, Gackt, and I have to admit it ... even if not publicly ... Exactly. It is now since 2003 that we hide this report, stormy and tasteless, but in the end I'm fine with that.

closed the diary just storing it in the shelf in an old textbook in schools, so that no one suspected that my thoughts are hiding in a staid, boring, dusty old textbook in high school. I turned off the light, so that only the light of the moon, obscured by some clouds, invaded my bedroom, took off my clothes off, remaining only in initmo now and then throw me on the bed exhausted by yet another day of work, made of photoshoot, recording, testing and other tiring things. I lay quiet pulling the covers up to the groin and then lift the cap so that I could bring her arms behind her in a position of total relaxation: just what I needed.
I smiled as my eyes were closed, and finally I had achieved inner peace and let his mind slowly emptied of any concern, any thought of everything .... Slowly
Morpheus took me with him in his arms comfortable, giving me the precious gift of a refined and relaxed deep sleep, that sleep that is found only in the mind clear. Very good, very good thing for me that I did not sleep for days.
I began to dream, dream really a beautiful place, but at the same time terrifying: around me, only the white, then nothing to see a dot away.
Slowly I approached the tiny dot that looked like it was beginning to distinguish its boundaries well defined. "Rather rough as what I thought when I was close enough to touch the thing, which I opened in front of the nose, emitting a blinding light that washed over me in no time at all.
tried in vain to cover my face with my arms, to protect of the light but it was useless and I had swallowed. I fainted, recovering the meaning later. I had no sense of time, absolutely no, I did not know how long I was unconscious, but when he opened his eyes in front of me showed breathtaking scenery.
sparkling rivers flowed, and a pale sun shone warm autumn in the immense blue sky cloudless. "Waoh" I immediately thought, but still I did not realize the whole beauty of that place. The green fields without dirt, no clusters that corresponded to gray cement ... none of that only the green, green grass covered with vegetation Immesi rugiata, and a strange light over the hills behind me, was to be the place where I arrived maybe.
I realized then that my clothes were different from those which I had before: it first I wore a simple white shirt with dark jeans and a pair of sneakers. Now wearing a white silk dress with a shoulder strap, two straps and gold surround my life. My feet? had no shoes, no socks ... completely naked. I noticed only at the time the creatures that inhabited this place: fantastic creatures! small and the skin vari colori, chi aveva la pelle blu e i capelli argenteii, chi aveva la pelle verde e i capelli rosso fuoco...molte sfumature di colore erano indossate da quelle creature piccoline, così tante che non riusci a trattenere un espressione di stupore.

02. Esplorazione

Incantato da quel mondo affascinante e inesplorato, rimasi per qualche minuto ricoperto dallo stupore fermo sul posto fino a quando non incrociai lo sguardo di uno di quegli esseri, che ancora non capisco bene cosa siano. I suoi capelli verde acceso e la pelle di un rosso fuoco, mi lasciarono perplesso, e anche impaurito. Ma la cosa che mi catturò fu lo sguardo; quello sguardo ipnotico, da cui non riesci a staccarti o perchè ne sei attratto o perchè 're terrified.
rather difficult to know if they were attracted or frightened, a part of me was drawn to the other party but at the same time I was terribly frightened.
Those eyes on me, those eyes of bright yellow, I examine, as if they could go through and discover things that even I know, or that my mind was completely removed.
quickly shook his head before starting to walk on the grass fresh and moist. I walked for a while under the scrutiny of those strange creatures before they reach an inhabited place, inhabited by other creatures, other than those encountered so far.
They had human form but their skin color still remained as a rather bizarre hair, but there was one thing that makes them similar: the great wings that sprouted from his back, some transparent, some feathers and other semi-transparent, but still surrounded by a strange light matte, and eyes. The eyes struck me more than anything. They were simple eyes, those who had these strange beings, but were half blacks and half blue. That worried me
black but at the same time fascinated me, I always had more desire to find out why they had those strange eyes, half-shrouded in mystery and half clear, so confident and full of tranquility.
was funny but I was paralyzed again. I shook my head again before resuming the journey. Around me were the ruins covered with grass, seemed to be the abodes of those strange inhabitants, until I saw before me a huge wooden castle white and blue: white for the body of what looked like a tree, and the blue for the enormous leaves where there were small houses. As I was rather fascinated but we want to addentrarmici.
the entrance, there were two very small creatures, who wore a funny armor decorated with gold and white spears wielded enormous upper end where a floating ball of light that blinded chiunuqe looked at her. It was not a good sign.
I went over and immediately changed the creatures were transformed into huge centauri: the body of a horse, one white and one black, rather robust and the human torso adorned with what was formerly a funny armor, also changed in a massive armor and silver with gold trimmings. The only thing left unchanged were those strange lances.
Frightened, I decided to get closer still.
- Hi ... - afraid I cried, but the strange creatures now become powerful centaurs, did not move, and indeed moved only his eyes on me and speak a strange language, a language unknown to me. I watched them, and tried to go beyond that figure but a powerful light engulfed me and I lost consciousness.

.03 Flashback

"Do-... where am I?" thought blinking more times and then reopen them and see one without. I sprang out of going to see outside the small window that was left on the wall. Tokyo.
- What the hell? - I wondered, without finishing the sentence: I looked and noticed that pure white dress was gone and in its place was wearing a white coat.
At that moment the bedroom door swung open, revealing the arrival of a figure known to me: Gackt. I looked puzzled, but was clearly surprised.
- You woke up in the end! - said closing the door and avvicinandomisi. - The doctors said that they did not know if you would ... you were awakened in a state of deep coma, a coma is not easy ... but your skin was initially marma and then had changed color from white, blue and silver had become ... - ended the conversation as if it were fascinated by this.
- kidding right? because if a joke is not funny - I exclaimed, rather irritated.
"So ... was not a dream ... who the hell were those crazy things? No, I have to go home, maybe I imagined it all" .
The other had responded but had not clearly heard, and now stood there waving his hand before his face. He looked up at him, laughing.
- Well you think you have the fantasy too much, why not use it for your songs? - I laughed, taking it around a bit by going to see if I had some clothes to go from there.
- Ah-ah-ah baka was not funny, and if you are looking for clothes I took them now I - Gackt said, handing him the bag with different clothes.
It took two at random, a pair of torn jeans in a little light here and there and a black tank top. He settled his hair and walked out leaving the other as a imbeccille them. He walked to the front desk, signing papers to leave the hospital and then finally out of there, going home.
passed thirty minutes before the hypothesis revise his home. "I wonder as I slept ... I forgot to ask that idiot" thought opening the door with the spare key, located under the carpet.
taking off his shoes and then came running into the room and take the diary that had strangely, was empty, the notes of September 18 had disappeared.
I rubbed my eyes and then lie down on the bed dinuovo.
"dinuovo that light ..." thought before being swallowed up, and I found myself right in front of those tiny two strange men, this time they caught me and pushed me in that mighty building. Inside
was huge, just as it seemed from the outside, and it was full of flowers, decorated with small lights that flew, they were more precisely small fireflies, or mini fairies can not say with certainty.
through a long corridor and then climbed a long staircase in the air without any support. I was amazed
opposite to those men who hopped in a bizarre manner and who managed to climb the stairs despite being slightly taller than a step.
After that long climb, I saw a white door, all around there were flowers, vines. Magically, the door opened before my eyes, and he could not restrain a cry of astonishment that I had before me was a spectacular scene INMERSIVE in the green with many flowers, trees, strange animals, and a river that ran through the room and it was there that I saw this creature so charming and sensual.
- Well then this is the chosen - cried and then send away and making the two men enter the room, closing the door with a hand motion.
- Well young man approached, approached ... -
I nodded without objection by walking on the grass so soft.
His face was angular but appealing at the same time, his skin was yellow and white long hair decorated with small white flowers, had a strange color, a mix of green, brown and yellow.
From the back came two mighty wings almost pointed to a white rose, and the most amazing thing was that shone like stars.
I went surveying me, then talk.
- What's your name chosen? - I asked looking at the tattoo on strangely my back began to hurt.

Difference Between Carl Zeiss And G Lens

[FANFIC] You are my Only Desire

You are My Only Desire

Warning! This is the fanfiction yaoi theme. Anyone who is susceptible to write yaoi (uomoxuomo) scenes with rude, vulgar and explicit sex is requested to ignore this fanfic.
facts and records are purely fictional, and not connected to reality. [/ Size]

Chapter 1: Evidence

Morning restless, too much. Tatsuro as usual he turns in bed hugging her pillow soft without wanting to wake up. No, not yet, it was too early. Open occhucci sleepy almost reaching out a hand to the czech Research on the bedside alarm clock that had at last after a few attempts, managed to get it.
He took her face rubbing the eye to see better time.
- dinuovo FUCK ARE LATE! - Tatsuro yelled, getting up in a hurry, this time not gliel'avrebbe Miya passed certainly smooth. He got
starting to get his pants zompettando down the stairs of his apartment, trying not arrivogliarsi the stairs to reach the kitchen to get the cold coffee. He liked that.
took a knitting blindly putting all'arrovescia also ran into the bathroom to wash his face and teeth. You do not even make-up, had not the time dammit! He ran from side to side the house like mad, he was doing more exercise than a football team in 90 minutes.
finally fully dressed, took his jacket and started taking his Vanz harmonica, microphone, staff and the car keys, jumped out of the apartment and then getting into a car.
switched on the machine, starting with the usual morning traffic and pecking for the kids who went to school. - CHRIST THE GLASSES! - do not give a date went well! out, the kids went to school recognized him starting to scream wildly, Tatsuro now discovered you time looking and healthy.
finally managed to pass even quell'intoppo: traffic. After about ten minutes
studies finding Miya came to wait outside. Here you go, the usual groomed. Miya was closed but also very picky, it was always on time and was losing patience with those who made late. He was out there leaning against the study door with a cigarette in his mouth, the smoke slowly. Tatsuro
down, the car watching Miya. - From do your usual sermon ... you're late, you sleep too much, the next time you put the alarm before ... - Tatsuro whispered making imitation.
- But over flaw idiot! Anyway, yes! You're late, dinuovo! You need to put the alarm first, and see the night to play with less and sleep more Yukke - Miya said teasing.
- Leave out Yukke from history is, between him and me there is nothing - said Tatsuro turning red as a pepper.
- You and I have little red riding hood - Miya said switching off the cigarette, getting into the studio. Tatsuro laughed looking at him and shaking his head and then enter.
- The ste want to start testing or not? - Yukke said coming from behind and placing his hands on the shoulders of Tatsuro. Tatsuro
jumped turning and looking Yukke. - ball one more time and I swear you castro - whispered, amused. At that moment, a bean, Sato who came with his usual output made everyone laugh. - Just kidding, let - Miya said, giving so off to the tests.
Tatsuro took off his jacket and placing it on the chair while the others laughed. - What's so funny? - said question.
- Tatsu, are you dressed in the dark this morning - Sato said between laughs, looking at him. Tatsuro looked down looking at the top. - Damn! Miya's fault he wants to do the tests at 9 am ... I love to snooze embraced something different from my pillow from time to time eh - muttered off his shirt showing his body dry.
Yukke that vision blushed eliciting laughter and Miya Sato.
- It vabbeh but now we feel - red Yukke said. He smiled at last beginning to experience. After a
Oretta, made a small break. Tatsuro salts on the terrace watching the rest of the city was busy in his usual tram tram. Yukke, coming up the stairs behind Tatsuro hugging him from behind. Tatsuro jumped dinuovo smiling. - If I'm hurting it's your fault you know .. the head of the pan - muttered fun while receiving a loving Coppino by Yukke. He turned in the embrace seizing his face in his hands. - But you're my pan - leaving said, smiling a little appetizer of their lips. - tonight at my house? - whispered lips wet Tatsuro Yukke who responded with a kiss as long this time; - No my house tonight ... I made a little thing for us .. - whispered, sliding two fingers on the breast Tatsuro.
- Yukke not provoke me with those fingers, otherwise you know what happens ... - whispered, amused.
- Oh yeah? and if I did that? - Yukke immediately went to kiss her neck slowly, alternating bites to lick and lick at the docks.
- happens that Miya and Sato are behind you and are laughing up their sleeves - whispered, laughing. Those two were pretty damn curious, and in spite of the gab and Tatsuro all the time spent with Yukke, he loved a good soul. Tatsu were not just for band mates, they were brothers, except Yukke that was her "whore."
- Tatsubello you has authorized the uc- - Sato said. There was to be expected. Miya's covered his mouth quickly managed to silence him, although he laughed. Everyone laughed, including Tatsuro.
dinuovo went down, noticing a poster of a live girugamesh, Tatsuro laughed sending to fuck the poster. He hated girugamesh, has never borne SATOchi of that balloon. - From Tatsu versacci Stop making the poster ... - Yukke said giving him a squeeze buttocks. They returned again in the studio continuing their tests.

Chapter 2: unpleasant encounter

Finally, the tests were finished, recently had a free moment to pursue other things, including live performances, tours, recordings, the time to devote to themselves was damn little.
Although he was a chatterbox, a latecomer had a crazy organization, and only he knew how to blend work, play and relax.
out of the study with a lit cigarette between his lips, was hit by Yukke who as usual made his puns.
- I think the battery of my car is on the floor ... maybe give me a hand to reload ... - whispered just looked at her sensual and mischievous at the same time.
- Shut up with your usual toys is one of the words ... your usual excuses for doing Cossack ... - Tatsuro chuckled, throwing the smoke from his nose.
- As if you sorry - Yukke mutter in response.
- Come and take a drink from me, instead of grumbling? out here that we can not do much, then you know that I cook well - looking chuckled quietly smoking.
- If you cook well, I'm Mary Poppins ... - Yukke if propia laughed walking to the car.
- Yes I cook well, and are also beautiful ... hey! You're such an asshole ... I have to spank - responded by putting a mock pout but disappear soon, he could not hold his nose was stronger than him.
- What combined two of you? - Miya cried out at the time of the study.
- See not too tired, Tatsubello ... or you are authorizing the dinuovo ucc- - Sato said Miya blocked by the hand again.
- vaaaa is well ... I'm leaving tonight - Tatsuro said chuckling, who hastened to run the machine.
Sali, breathing a sigh of relief, and then turn on the machine and reach Yukke. He pulled down the window, smiling, - you look at my home skillet - chuckled and then finally say goodbye and head home.
came after ten minutes, going running and jumping on the couch now, the house was a mirror, not the liked to keep everything in disorder, only in this case was pefettino even worse Miya.
ten minutes passed before she heard the telephone ringing. Thinking Yukke was not even answer to that buzzer, just open the door and the door, waiting at the door.
heard footsteps, light and decided they were not certain of those Yukke. Wrinkled her nose a little, thinking it was only his paranoia. When I finally saw
that figure jumped just eyes wide. "What the hell makes us here?" thought a little agitated.
- are not happy to see me? so that now regards your mother? - exclaimed, Tatsuro's mother with a smile.
- Mom, but what are you doing here?! - said taking the woman's purse.
- Your father and I have fought for a while then you'll - he said smiling and then enter the house. - Madonna, dear cut that hair ... - scolded the mother moving a strand that was over his eyes.
- I can not like them ... and then I want something to drink? however I have not mounted the bed, I did not know of your arrival, then in my sleep ... I'm pleased with the sofa ... arranged that I go to fetch water - said disappearing and going into the kitchen. This is not wanted there, especially now that must have had a sexual encounter with Yukke; put his hands on the table but not for long. At that moment you hear the bell ring again, and Tatsuro rushed to open, this time was Yukke for sure.
Yukke, climbed the stairs quickly, coming to the door where he found his mistress waiting for him, immediately jumped in his arms, kissing him and pushing him into the house.
- Christ I have a craving - a kiss and whispered to each other, as she began to undress.
- Yukke ... f-stop ... - whispered lock; certainly would not have been made to have sex right now, with her mother at home, counting his room that could be seen perfectly.
- What is it you do not want to have sex? - said Yukke do with whining.
- No is ... - she stopped hearing the voice of his mother approaching, - Dear not find the milk .... oh ... - you stopped immediately when he saw another child wearing the shirt for no more.
- You should have told me! - muttered to Yukke Tatsuro.
- Mamma Yukke he remember? - said nervous, and then respond to another. - as Christ did, it was presented without warning ... but tonight is confirmed -
answered nervously away and bringing the mother in the kitchen.
- Mom you do your time, I go out for a while, problems with the band - he cried to his mother that did not believe him.
- Ok, I'm going to do the shopping while, you just junk - said his mother putting on her coat and went out.
- Yukke ... I'm sorry - is justified Tatsuro going to embrace him. - But we can go if you want ... - smiled wetting the lips of the blond boy said with a shy smile and a little "you." He took his things, even taking the house keys and then leave after the other.
- I do not take the car, take your - exclaimed nervously. That visit had displaced.
- Move talking living get in the car - said Yukke a little annoyed. Tatsuro year just going by car looking at the other. - I'm sorry, I will forgive, promised -

Chapter 3: reconciliation

Yukke Disappointed and slightly angry glares at him before leaving the apartment, slamming the door. He went down the stairs quickly filled with anger as he could throw him out because of her mother?! Tatsuro
sighed deeply taking her face in her hands before returning to the kitchen. He knew how it was done and certainly would have blanched soon as he had done many times before.
He explained to his mother that he had received a call from that big head of Miya told him where to go for the additional evidence provided in the output of the new single and obviously was a lie, and his mother had understood from a mile away. Tatsuro was incapable of lying, lying every time she would start fiddling nervously with a strand of hair, and then he was always looking around at the environment rather than on the face of those before him. If you look at those who had lingered in front while he was lying, he burst out laughing and could not stop for quite a while, better to avoid this minor inconvenience.
Although the mother did not believe him, let him go, was independent, very big and vaccinated, and had a brain to decide for himself.
He bowed before leaving the room, put on her shoes and ran to retrieve the car keys, then went home the other.
Yukke arrived home from a handful of minutes, was magnificence on the couch with a bowl of ice cream stracciatella. Each time the two quarreled, ate pounds and pounds of ice cream. Miya's happened every time he had become "fat" and argued each time for this nonsense.
the TV on a random program, the windows slightly open and his eyes lost in a vacuum, would not have forgiven him, not now .... I think.
After passing the empires in the busy Tokyo finally arrived in a suburb, about ten minutes from where he lived, was a small but very nice neighborhood, the turn was always happy there.
wandered a bit before finding parking then put on his glasses and tie your hair in a ponytail. He came to the building of the other and fortunately the door was already open. "Perfect" thought, before going up the stairs and go knock on the door.
- goes away - not even cried Yukke not knowing who he was, but the other did not give up keep on knocking, and finally got fed up with a bowl of ice cream in hand and the spoon in his mouth to open the door. Open, it was a big time now! The opening just a little bit, and noting that he was the other ice cream and spoon disappear.
- What do you want? you are with the "mommy" to the next? - Yukke asked sarcastically.
- From head pan leak over ... you know I'm alone ... let me ent- - Tatsuro did not even have time to finish the sentence the door shut in the face.
- And why should I? to be treated like this before? - said Yukke disappointed.
- Dai ... open ... I have come to make peace .... - whispered outside the door.
After several back and forth Yukke finally relented and opened the door, leaving the other to enter. He entered, closing the door behind him, taking off his shoes. He approached the other two fingers on his chest making him walk.
- Yuuukkeeeh ... - whispered going to melt her long hair blacks.
- you forgive me? - Whispered, taking off his glasses, moving even closer to another, he knew that would not resist for long. He did not answer at first, did a little bit difficult, then a slight whisper "yes."
At that point, Tatsuro took him in her arms, moving slowly to stroke her face, leaving a kiss on the skin of the other.
- I did not even know of his arrival ... - whispered before touching his lips. Yukke closed his eyes, and then respond.
- I know ... but I'm angry because we were not together, intimacy -
- Tackle ... as you see now are here, here beside you, and I intend to stay for a while .. . until that square head does not break the boxes ... - whispered, picking up and going to the couch, sitting down with Yukke above.
- head pan ... let me see you can do - whispered in defiance Tatsuro with a lock of hair in front of the left eye.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Meaning Of (sgcc) (secc)

Any other

Tra un mese anche io, come altri, leverò tents.

Visa and tickets are already there ... The suitcase is still missing but somehow settle out, too.
This time I shall stand among many Italians (at least at first) and this makes me a little 'fear (let's say that I am losing my mind) because I do not know how to find us. But I'm pretty optimistic!
Another little thing that scares me a bit 'is that the trip will be longer than I'm used to, and at the moment, his back still hurts after the last attack (two days in bed with fainting and threatened to sue those who tried to raise me -.-) And I do not know if next month will be completely healed (DEVE!!).

Meanwhile, I decided to sell some shoujo I have at home (ok, I had my way, but would keep them, among other things, the brother has already decided that my bedroom, this time, it will be a studio) and I put an ad here. I have another couple of addresses of sites where to place ads, but not having an account on forumcommunity do not know how worth it (cioè. .. I miss the feedback, I miss posts ... who would buy from me?).

change the subject ... I finally started to see Air Gear. The manga I remembered him more interesting (it was easier Skippa pages fanservice for boys) but boh are just starting so maybe there is hope.
I also saw (finally) Darker than black and well, the first series is very much pucci while OVA and especially the second series are much less. Even more "finally" I'm done rahxephon. It 'was a disappointment of souls, the beginning was very promising but gradually fell by the way ... Air Gear
Once finished, I have some other anime that I like to follow but I do not know if I have time ...

Last week I saw myself with [info] yoketto and we made a nice stroll in Bologna (spin summed up in a station-by-market parts of the tower donkey XD. We always ended there!). E 'was great fun even though I was full of pain -.-;;; (If I could buy a black market body parts, well, I would..) Among the highlights of the day there was first of all my wonderful presentation superoriginale wondering where to go in the bathroom XD. Then, the terror of walking on a transparent floor (under the floor were the excavations Belli ... but fear is fear u_u) and the discovery that there were flag-wavers to the streets! Good for an hour we tried to find the best place to take pictures and then miss the beginning of ragged as they are too busy to make us stupid picture that, however, they came out just fine!

Oh yeah, I forgot ... I started playing with Pokemon -__-;;. I do I just suck ...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Backpacker Jobs Vancouver

Longing (Melody Togireta)

kizutsuke you
atta kotoba kasaneta you Namida wa itsuka
omoide ni naru yo dakara ... togireta
melody mune of dakishimete ashita
you ikiru darou Anata

of aenakute you Sing without you I'll sing without
Can you

you feel my heart Falling through the rain I sing without

you'll sing without you Can not you

hold my tears Cause still I love you

I can not face that thought
of being alone I sing for the song still carries on mune
of dakishimete omoi o koe utawasete
of you naranakute

Sing without you I'll sing without you Can not you feel my

pain There's nothing I CAN do

I still have a longing for your memory
big part demo kokoro o tsutaetai
yo ima wa ... hitori
of shinai de
sosogu Furi sou ame to yume of niware
you kanaderu ashita kara Sing

I'll sing without you without you

Can you feel my heart Falling through the rain

I sing without you I'll sing without you Can not you

hold my tears Cause still I love you

I sing without you I'll sing without you Can not you

feel my heart Falling through the rain I sing without

you'll sing without you Can not you
hold my tears Cause still I
love you

How To Tie A Loop Belt

The joys and sorrows ...

Son finally managed to make me a list of all the doujinshi I have. Unless I'm mistaken accounts are well over 75 different collections scattered. But many are not even a few ° °.
The absurd thing is that today, while trying to count the collection I realized that I miss at least two. And I have not the faintest idea where they can be O____o;
I have not moved all the comics (two rows, one above the other, over 22 issues of PoT Japanese edition there is another set as a minimum) but not I think I made them ... But if I am not there where can it be? I am a little worried when you see that I fixed the room before leaving, I put in one of those places 'so secret that I've forgotten where I am'? = _ =.
In any case, this episode made me realize one thing: I have to get rid of all the comics that I do not care to have more space (and less likely to die because I have fallen in head-oh, and chances are there-). The list I have already made (ah ah, they're all shoujo ...) Now I just have to decide where and how to sell (this thing will kill me ... I'm not made for business, I _. ..)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Learn To Brazilian Wax

Songs meme

Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Name 5 songs you love starting with That letter.
[info] yoko gave me the F and R F

1) Fireflies - Nightowl
2) Fujisawa Looser - Asian Kung Fu Generation
3) Faith - Kazuki Kato (my dumpling favorite - he has always -)
4) Fire Crackers - Ellegarden
5) Fire With Fire - Scissor Sisters

1) Running up the hill - Placebo version
2 ) Rain - Steve Conte
3) Rescue Me - Ultra (ah, my period boyband xD)
4) Remember me - Leslie Parrish (ah, my initial period d-ance)
5) Reason - Nami Tamaki

E 'was easier than expected °°;;;

Monday, August 9, 2010

Having 360 Blood Sugar Am I A Diabetic


Definition of lost time: to try to explain something to my using logical connections.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sample Of Congratulatory Speech


Why just you, my pc decides to quit whenever I needed you most?
and therefore always on a Friday?
How long will it send me a new one? Father

Monday, August 2, 2010

What Stores Do Layaways

words, words, words

have a chat, I admit.
"Yes, Yay! Mega card points to fill the long summer days! This is complete! "
And not only that I have not written a tubazzo, but even I can do it, because tomorrow I start working and I have throughout August, in a place where it is assumed there is no shadow of an internet connection nor a PC.
I should be ashamed, but I will just wish you happy holidays * scatters hearts, palm trees and sunshine

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Licence Plate Concealer

evolution (or devolution?)

fishing more anxious mother (never ask a question ... you ask why, for what and wherefores for the rest of your life) take to spend the day cleaning house.
Among the various 'hobby' of the day there was:
spray-not-so-who-did-what-but-evil (bleach?) On the wall to remove the mold (in the vain hope that my father decides to repaint the all-will because he has to break a piece of wall-) risk of poisoning.
-Thoroughly clean the fridge in the kitchen (ah ah ah ... it was a tragic thing we discovered a problem with the plug. Who knows how long we risk burning house ...).
-clean the carpets in the living room ... I would not wish on anyone.
the next fishing trip will clean the 'bar' and they will be laughing because I'll have to throw / boxing all my videos of Dragon Ball ...

Among the good things the last few days there was the usual involution about my health (Hello hello gastritis, had been so long since we were, eh), the evolution of some members of my family who started to read a book of Diabolik.
This I explain: in my house reads very, very little (except newspapers). But there are so many books, half of which I bought.

The brother has even given up the first Harry Potter book and the only thing he reads every day I think is the forum of his guild Wow. I tried to do an experiment and put in different times, books in the bathroom but it was no use. A few days ago I recovered from my library a book of Diabolik (actually the main theme is Eva Kant but vabbeh) and I put it, complete with bookmarks on the bath chair. The choice fell on this a bit 'because it is not a manga, an Italian author and is in Italian, is written in large and there is more of a story inside. Oh, surprisingly someone is reading: the bookmark is moving!

Among other nice things is the example of my stupidity Internet users.
I spent days fiddling (desperation) with Joomla in the hope of being able to replicate my static site with this CMS and then suddenly change and move on wordpress and replicate well site. Too bad that my database on altervista is a bit 'limited and therefore cause problems if we work too much ... m'è increase so touched and now I'm here to hope that, just put him in line, many people click on the banner and let me earn the money necessary to keep fake without having to shell out real money.
By the way, I'm looking for icons to put in it for one thing, but I can not find what I want. On the contrary, I'm finding all the mini icons Where's My Car, which, while making new lj layout, it was (and is one of the reasons that lay untouched ... and it sucks). Bah
the second.
However, all this talk made me reflect once again on one thing: I really wrong right \u0026lt;___\u0026lt; If I was going to do computer engineering (computer no: there is already a nightmare and his brother would have been prog.1 double for the family ...) I would have done well as the specialist and I would have to work somewhere \u0026lt;_ \u0026lt;
Of course if I had not done what I did bla bla bla I would never have got the lovely letter pig (in the sense that the envelope is shaped like a pig) that I received today from Japan.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Martingale Roulette Illegal

the magical world of scan * O *

I believe that soon Inside scanlation will add a mini chapter IV.2 the third part of the history of scanlation.
After the letter of the thirty publishers where a coalition against the phenomenon of scanlation (in praticolare against sites 'scanlation aggregator') has closed a scanlation site, a site 'aggregator' has changed its policy and is taking steps / ha already taken steps to get rid of several manga in its pages, and then another site 'aggregator' is closing.
Some say that this step will return you to use mIrc while others believe that the sites of scan will reach the point of having to close.
Well, I'm quite puzzled by all this. While I have always hated sites in which to read manga scanlati I had to pay quite strange that the publishers have decided to fight this phenomenon hours and above who have not already deleted a 'certain site' where you have to pay to read a 'certain manga' (the most scanslato history ...).

However, I reflected on one thing: the scanlation phenomenon is a bit 'out of control. From what little I know about the shoujo side and (mostly) shounen there are many groups working on the same / the same projects that are now license for centuries. The famous etiquette and the implicit rules of the scan are the world go to hell ...

The phenomenon Italian does not know him well but I'm trying to get an idea of what concerns the scan yaoi in Italy.
yaoi published by publishers in Italy there are few (and often are not even done well in comparison to what you're paying to buy them), but despite this are scanlati ...
also between groups of scans if they are created by some who do not respect other people's work by taking the release of the British groups without permits, make obscene work with regard to translation and editing (and I'm not even that fussy as regards the latter thing ...) and let you publish ...
Among these, the most ridiculous, is a group (of which not even remember the name) that, instead of using the scan 'normal' uses those taken by the online viewer. I've always wondered why it does especially if I am to have caught their only release available outside of their super-secret forum done so or if indeed it is their standard.
Here, about super-secret forum ... Why? What is their purpose? The scan does not
are perhaps born in Italy to bring new material? I write well in their presentations of their forum ...
So why make access to these scans so hard? In the world of
English scan is a single group so secret even ask where you have links for download via mail .. how is it that in Italy there is more than a group that does so?
What do they want to protect? There are many people who translate from Italian to release a different language so you can not for fear of seeing their projects retranslated into other languages.
E 'to make friends? But if, for example, 100 people download that file is that you can make friends all the 100 ...
E 'for the thrill of having the power in their hands? Ma .. that is ... We are on the internet, scan should be a hobby ... not a way to conquer the world ... And then there are people who still do not have time to write one thousand posts each month to read, perhaps, only a manga. In a sense
mIrc could also be considered an awkward to reach the scan but there is a substantial difference with the method they use these groups: on mIRC, once you understand how it works, do not necessarily participate in the life channel. Arrivals and discharges you go. In some chan is not even necessary to greet ... Obvious that the people 'fixed' the chan maybe occasionally the two would talk but I can not force you to come in the chan at least five times a week and speak at least five minutes each time asking for the password to the chan op ... would be ridiculous.

Ah here, another thing I noticed is that these new groups do not understand Italian: why do double release of other groups? Why create such a group of six people to do XYZ manga done by another group just because it is slow? They could not get into that group? Maybe this group has already prepared the scan and the translation and only needs an editor to finish the job ...
If you do not like the way to work in this group, because a redo thing already done? Why not take other manga and translate them?
Mah E 'wasteful projects have double, especially if the group who started the first such project is one of those serious works that' good '...

Monday, July 12, 2010

How Long Does Plan B Stay In Your Body

July, with the good that you want, you'll see will not end * ai-ai-ia-iààààà *

* * *
That rises from the darkness, to be precise I have an exam next Thursday. But I find a moment to stick my card last points, magggico
fest of FIFF * love *.
* * grabs the glue stick

not meraviglioUsa? * _ * The
will complete, I can feel it. Also because of my counter
FiDiPu is running in place by April OMG * faints *.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Can Hiv Live On Needle For Sewing


Fever in July?
Oh yes!
not fly to 38th but they are dead (which I've never fever when I'm wrong). And is the second day ... In addition rompimaroni
neighbors than with their own pool of cabbage they start screaming to the holidays. Until eleven o'clock and spends the evening. And I hear them through double windows, shutters and air conditioning on. In desperation I began to feel Tsumasaki ni kiss (nice Puccio and sin that I fell asleep before the end ^^;).

In most in all this, Germany has lost ... and yet another team to cheer and then lost ... Now I do not really no one to cheer the final: both teams play in a way that I do not really like (not that Germany has played decently yesterday eh -.-).
also will end the world and I I will not have my evenings and afternoons spent in front of a soda and a slice of piping hot popcorn \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;.

I'm going to die ...

but first ... how beautiful is The Big Bang Theory? *____* Sheldon is adorably obnoxious. The mute is nice just as long as is silent, Leonard is well, unless the loser of all (or most unlucky because sometimes really ...) and the last to be so disgusting that it is simply not worth be named. But the series is so cute * _ * (and deserves my brother followed her, despite being in English with Italian subtitles ...)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Holly Willoughby Gold Circle Necklace

Internet & company

The Professor Course 'Internet and webcommerce' (or whatever you call ) at the time had insisted so much on the fact that to have a great site you were to advertise it and play on the links. If I remember correctly had also insisted on the meta (or maybe it was the prof of some other course in this case?).
It 's easier said than done ... With metatags
once you've finished writing you are half the battle, you just have to wait and hope that someone searches for those keywords. Obviously you have to hope that there are many sites that deal with the same subject and that have the same keywords in meta tags ...
Obviously I am unlucky. Web sites about doujinshi and there are piles of mine is the newest, so if Google indexes it, makes it almost last (I did not check to keep from crying). In contrast to sites on the DJ INID there are few, and so I appear the first place (or second) and so on ...
How to link the speech is a bit 'more complicated: it is a doujinshi site do I need to link to sites that deal or series of scans or directly concerned. Eh ... scans ... Considering that I hate people who use a free ride to scan the other without asking for permission not know if I try to affiliate sites that fans like that or do without @ @. Ok that is for the survival of my sitarello but it is still a fight to the death between me and my conscience ... Who knows who will win \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;;

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sharking Japan Molested

disappointment fangirl ...

Nothing is more cruel to discover that the drama CD that you wanted to hear there T__T.
Damn, I do not give the other pair na stones, Kaoru vojo >____________\u0026lt;

T_T I'm too upset

Sunday, June 27, 2010

How To Dress Grunge/rocker

bad ideas ...

I had the bad idea to organize my fanlists in an 'automatic' so not having to check the links and rewrite all the html every holy time. To do this I downloaded some scripts and I am able to make a run only ...
The script is nice because it makes me charge more or less automatic and thinks him to put in order by category etc etc. Of which has the cute little that needs to use a database and the I have on altervista is small (= every ten Fanlist tells me that I get from the query and I have to wait an hour to start to pick up) and occasionally the script makes me rid of the footer of the site>. \u0026lt;
Well, maybe it will zoom at the time but not really worth ...

Vabbeh, this is to say that in a few days my spirit webmaster has had a surge led to create a more sitarello , not all (of course) where you could make all the pages around the web that I have (few, for hours ...). Do I have to stop these surges of creativity that do not lead to anything good \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;;

On other fronts I finished the first version of a translation I had to do and I translated half a chapter of another Manghina ... I felt so productive in that moments · ° shame that as usual is not an output that leads me pecunia ...

On the "pecuniary" (also called "front Schei") are the Green and center for the use I have not even replied 'thank you, the mail has arrived' at my mail 'I apply to do xyz '. Monday allowing car, I'm going to break the chestnuts ...
Oh, by car ... after a month and spends between insurance and various menate we took the mechanic. It must be a sucker machine because there is not the first time have returned (ie, when they promised) and then we have given back with the smears that there should be ... This means that the machine can not be touched until reported by the mechanical AGAIN.
I to my father I told you not to make that: the Fiat are losers. Before the One who would stop at dick while you were waiting at traffic lights and then this, which just emerged from the dealer, has picked up a knock and is back in the shop ... It was really a wheelbarrow
better -.-

Front and family vacation ... Well, to my 'aunt when I return from the sea I go a few days with her 'there was an uprising by a half of my (I do not remember what I miss most) because they did not understand the part' when he returns from the sea 'but especially the part' aunt '. .. he knew something like 'when I turn I visit my cousin for a few days'. As he did not know ...
Basically I need to get away or a society that expects to do something constructive or not:
-go to the beach to sunbathe because they are white (I miss Japan so much he loves the people with white skin )
go-around various pubs and beer festivals only to drink or to chat (because I have to pay to talk -.-).
I miss Tokyo so much from this point of view: there is never much wanted to find someone to go around the parks.
Here instead to go see a cabbage garden of my hand, I have hope in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Ugh, more of a vacation that I realize I need a job that takes me away from home as much as possible here because I'm getting really hikkikomori and realize it is really depressing \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;.

Vabbeh, time has passed and I return to my fanlists ...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Show Me The Sms Of New Born Baby

ninxit @ 2010-06-23T21: 44:00

Windows Vista really deserves to be called windowsvista ...
Fortunately, there is Google where you can find a simple and functional solution to any problem ...

However, the good news coming ...
I made a (ok, yet another) site and I plan to update it for real!

Yes, OK is a site purely useless for the rest of the world except for me XD.

Then, on the web I decided that in order: I'll just make the graphics
-redo the graphics and will update the site pixel-
will make a page decent for Fanlist (given that half have died or changed address, Rip)-
I finish translating all the chapters of the manga of British lambs (me so I remove him from bales);
-help a bit 'to LM (because it deserves so much);
-I finish at least one of the DJs who have outstanding on your pc from time immemorial ...

As for the other 'fronts', well ... "We are working for you" I was doing? No, huh ...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Manufacture Of Toaster

There are things that are bad, very bad. Tsk

What's more sad to discover that the nick you are so fond of is now used by more than one? ç_ç

But heck, at that time decided not to use a Japanese because there were crowds of people with a nickname taken from the cartoons. Lost days to decide which nick to use. Days lost to browse the damn Latin dictionary (oh, I was still in high school ... it was more than five years ago ...) only to discover that what they liked me, nix, already used it in many. I chose another snowflake (but in Latin, so that did not do too much 'Heidi lamb'), but it was too long and so the abbreviai. It was my own, unique. He accompanied me into the realm of fanfiction (inevitable meetings, few, with girls who were writing), and in that of kisskae (how much they receive for the first time by Dov mail telling me that I had on the free Ot) and dollz (every time I think my greatest memory failure \u0026lt;,\u0026lt;).
But now ... there are people who use it in forums and other sites.
E 'depressing, really. They could look for another? Steps for those who are called so for real but the others ... could not seek another?
Uffaaaa>. \u0026lt;

Friday, June 18, 2010

Side Dishes To Go With Venison

fancuore But go you and your forum 'N you have to write posts and request authorization each month in order to download'.
* empty space to replace the explanation-that-will not read any of why certain phenomena are born of the Web *

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Man Sitting On Womans Stomach


I had not forgotten = P

Comment if you'd like to color. Then list ten things That you like / love are That Which color.
[info] kimbnr gave me the yellow ...

10. Thrillers, I know you are worth in Italy but I could not more.
Bonus: the yellow meant affectionately as 'Chinese, Japanese and Korean'. For

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wishes Sms For New Born Baby

It's too hot ... ^ _ ^

fault I'm hot and my infamous stage 'soon return to the level of insanity last year of high school' I'm rearranging the pc doing the sorting of sites, folders, cd various. I have already deleted
Neopets (stop playing to find out that I should not leave my animals, I took away any sense of guilt) and now I think of Twitter (I can not believe that an account used only once since 2008 -.- ) and other sites (so if I hear some people on other Than FB would not think twice to disappear from there too).
I recovered with a cd in rescue of Fifa 2003, lyrics of Tatu (cioè. ..), Avri Lavigne (aricioè), garbage, etc.. Saves me the initials of SD in Japanese ...
Among the things found inside this amazing CD is one that, WOW, I did not remember at all: my (and only) hetero fic. Obviously was never finished but I three chapters written! One of the main characters name is Jamie Lee. I can not stop laughing and it's the first laugh of the day ...

Bon, return to learn how to use tablet that is because of the looong time spent doing nothing I lost the hand \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;

Friday, June 11, 2010

Suggested Font Wedding Order Of Service

My laptop is at home again * _ * The best thing
is that the problem was the motherboard and not the hard drive (as I feared).
In the more I have got a new tablet * __ * And now I
When updating throughout with calm ...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Incesto Italiano Free

To be out of shape ... Meme

Let me cry ... frustration.
is not possible that after a month I go back I had the light from God on how to select a path in the night -____________-.
And yes that once knew Photoshop to use * very * well. And yes to (kiss) I used the dollar path of the window every single day ...
How is it that I had forgotten about her? -______-;

Mild Reversal Of The Cervical Lordosis

* EDIT: finally rise from the dark and infinite period of examinations. First, I conclude this report bad, then we see *

What I love Torino, I think is well-founded.
May I love the books is a fact. We combine the two things
nellla twenty-third edition of the Book Fair and see me float in midair for the four halls of the Lingotto for all five days of the event. I recognize the eyes in the shape of heart, empty wallet, arms loaded with my books and run like a spinning top gone crazy a thousand conferences per day.
I love this.

Thursday I got a tour of the exhibition and I did a little 'heat with a couple of meetings: one entitled "The Indians, a portrait of a people" and the presentation of a book entitled "Four Steps in Middle-earth."
A soft start, short. I made the acquaintance of a small publisher Palermo (18:30 editions), nice and kind, which stops suddenly me and my roommate Exhibition (Luta), we read the opening words of a book, then the ' beginning of another, then a song a third party. Have to buy some '(they are small book of 30 short pages) and we chat.
And then, the EvenTone the day. Around the stand of the Press, I turn and I find myself in front of Stefano Benni.
A moment of panic, then catch the fly "Bar Sport 2000" (never mind that it is a duplicate: Benni any book it would have been) and the plaque, making me sign. None of this would have happened without the help of providential Luta, of course: I lose the ability to speak, when I meet my favorite writers. But, thanks to her, I now have the first book I ever read Benni (and with whom I fell in love with his streak of madness) and autographed with a nice kitten designed on the fly from the man amazing ...

Friday the day bad part: I get off the bike to park it and go get the train, and I fall into ruin on the floor. Twisted ankle, given the persistent pain and swelling to walk that makes her look like an elephant's foot. But it is the second day of the exhibition, I can not sit at home. Heedless of the pain, I go down to Turin and I enjoy a great hour and a half by Valerio Massimo Manfredi, I never treat with all the assumptions made about the location of the tomb of Alexander the Great. The love I feel is indescribable.
Following the presentation of an anthology of love poems (Particolamenteamante not because he is like that, but because the presentation itself is run by Guido Davico Bonino, who is one of Italy's most fun ever).
finish with a flourish with a meeting with Dario For, who presented his "Bible of the peasants" and recites a passage in the book: my first ten minutes of Gramelot live. It has a fantastic stage presence, and even to say, I love him so much.

Saturday delivery with De Magistris, Beha, Mary and Massimo Fini: "Italy was lost. Citizens, politics and justice. " The thing is Wonderful which seemed to me they were reading in the brain: I had no questions to ask at the end because they had already said everything that I could have thought. Say no more, because words would be useless.
Following a meeting on a project for schools in the mountains (I'm not going to bore you about it, really XD), really interesting, if you work in, then flees to the house: the crowd on Saturday was too much, and I have no reason to stay (this explains why the seats for the presentation of "Ad personam" are exhausted ... -.-'')

Sunday is, as always, day when there would be a million things to do, but not yet given the gift of ubiquity, I need to settle ...
So conferenzina on film by Tim Burton, quick detour to the presentation of "The cuisine of Amélie, a wild hour of readings from texts of the epic Indian fantastic and then two hours with Corona and De Luca, conference entitled "Memories of the mountain." Epic Win of Corona with these sentences:
"We must not cut the tuna with a breadstick. You're three days without eating and see what he eats tuna and even the box. "
"It's not that the mountains teacher of life: if it is a jerk, jerk is. "
"Do not ape the modified: stay the tree that you are". And
Epic Win De Luca when he says that "The climb takes me back to being the strisciente be that we have been in the past. I like climbing because it is useless. "

Monday, finally. Few things, as always. It seems that Monday has no desire to lecture interesting. Bah. However
. An hour well spent to be told of how Indian letterattura evolved over time, two words to submit some guides to tourist routes in Piedmont and concludes with the presentation of a couple of books treating the subject of the garden in a little 'different from the usual treatise on agronomy. "The plants are serious people," says Ernesto Ferrero. And I feel obliged to thank him for the splendid exhibition of this year.

book includes:
Amélie Nothomb, "Attack", "The Catilinarian" and "Antichrista.
Chuck Palaniuk, "Choke" and "Gang Bang".
Mauro Corona, "The Story of Snow".
Erri De Luca: "On the track Nives.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kirkland Dog Bed Cover

tagged by [info] aleenchain
I'm to tag 8 people, none of Whom tagged me, and this can not be Rejected (well, something like that ...) Eventually
If you do this, please comment here when you're done know I'll see your answers! Thank you.
You can remove a question you do not like, and replace it with Another.

Tagg: those who have not yet done so and want to do

What song are you listening to?
Trax - End of the world

What anime are you currently watching?
Bleach, and endure rahxephon

What's The Most enjoyable thing you've done today?
me the plate without burning his forehead.

What is the one skill you wish you HAD?
The Fly, what type of Pokemon game ...

What's your current fandom / obsession / addiction?
Fandom / Addiction: Nothing ... I recently spent more ° °
Obsessions: Premier CS4 ... as long as I can not use it well I will have nightmares

What's your favorite song to sing?
Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth

What Web sites do you always visit When you go online?
lj, Corser (only a couple of forums though), gmail, free, FB, deviantart and a couple of forums

What Was The Last thing you bought? A stamp

Which fictional character would you like to be for one day?
Uhm ... maybe Pratchett's Death I could act like an idiot every time I recall ...

What book would you recommend to friends?
'God of Illusions' by Donna Tart.

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
and not necessarily in any order (s) connected to each other: a job, go back to Japan, a home, a life a bit 'more exciting etc etc etc

What are the best places you've Ever Been ?
traditional Japanese gardens in Japan, a small village (can not remember the name) near Lake Como, the caves of Sirmione.

What Was the last meal you ate?
Merenda ...

Do You Want To Learn Another Language?
If I had the chance, yes. But not just one, two or three (such as Chinese, Korean, Thai, English etc)

Six things you can not live without.
Me I can think of only one: my pc with an internet connection (bring me in a detoxification, please)

Apart from your computer / laptop, what's in front of you right now?
my knee (I'm lying on the bed ...)

A not-favorite childhood memory? One evening
in the colony, in the gym. And the entire colony, incited by my 'friends' (mom still asks me why I do not want to have anything to do with them ...) I gave the prostitute ...

What are you looking forward to?
a job. And the day when some people to prove that I'm the one that is worth nothing.

What are you planning to do after you finish this meme?
came down to see if the friend of my brother with his cat (vojo see that cat.)

I have another way to go but I'll steady ^^

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Does A Portable Shampoo Work

60 bases of SHIROTA YUU @ Anichan92 LJ

If you take it and use it please credit my journal or my forum:

When you take it please comment this post!

Download Here

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How To Seal A Concrete Bathtub

Book Fair [Original] Last breaths

Title: last breaths
Fandom: original
Rating: PG-13 for their subject matter (murder)
Word count (Fiumidiparole): 376
Notes : For the third week of Kinkos
WWF (Warning Fest Weeks) of Fiumidiparole ; prompt: breath

Breath your gift of love to me
(Midge Ure, "Breath")

I understood a couple of times a year, usually in spring and autumn.
When the sky is yellow and cloudy and gloomy day for many days in a row and simply leave the house charge me with anguish, then I know it's time.
I realize the things that my eye starts to set, independent of my will. Women's faces light makeup, breasts bullies who try to escape the clothes, long hair, thin necks that reach: beautiful things, wrong things. I should not so hard to fix people, but, I repeat, does not depend on my will. It is not madness. It is simply time.
not last long: a few days, a week at most. The time to do so. Then the sky in my eyes, he becomes an unlikely blue and white clouds, white and white.
The first time it happened, as if I did not realize it was as if an outside force had taken possession of my hands and guide me. I do not remember almost anything-a strangled groan, the pulse of the veins on my hands. I do not remember who he was, or what he looked like.
The second time, however, I was fully aware of what I was doing. Her name
Silvana, was one of my best friends.
simply embraced her. And then I began to tighten the arms, again and again: "Angela, you're doing wrong ...."
silenced her with a whisper, and went over my face to hers. I pushed her against the wall and ran my hands around his neck, pressing deeper and deeper.
He died in my arms, with a slight gasp. I loved her deeply.
The third, fourth, fifth ... I lost count of women and of the time. One of my neighbor. A girl at the park. A strange sight on the streets. The
I loved almost all of a painful love, when their last breath caressed my face.
The last breath una donna è il regalo più bello che si possa ricevere. Ogni respiro si assomiglia, ma l’ultimo porta dentro di sé qualcosa di speciale. Qualcosa di luminoso, che mi fa amare.
È questa la verità: io amo gli ultimi respiri, amo le donne che me lo regalano; in quell’istante, io amo.
Uccidere è un effetto collaterale.
E poi il cielo diventa di un azzurro improbabile. E le nuvole bianche. Come i respiri. 

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ver Foto De Juste Bibe

[RPF] Among the French who are angry and newspapers that

Titolo:  Tra i francesi che si incazzano e i giornali che svolazzano
RPF Pairing: Bartali / Coppi
Rating: R

Word count (Fiumidiparole): 1071
Notes: 1) p0rnosa For the third week of
WWF (Warning Weeks Fest) of Fiumidiparole ; prompt: RPF Cycling, Bartali / Coppi, after the race. * scatters flowers under the feet of anyone who has this wonderful thing to prompt P0rn Fest 2009 *

2) The whole human story is told of pure invention, to avoid complaints. Everything else, However, it is true: the stages, nicknames, miles. Everything, even the photograph

3) All other notes are at the bottom, otherwise you spoil the surprise. And break your soul who just wants to read without getting blowjobs mind, of course

this day and sunset orange
and swells of memories that you do not know
I like to stay here
dusty on the highway, if you want to go, go
Among the French are angry

and newspapers flying around there is some 'wind, barking
the campaign and there's a blue moon at the end of

("Bartali", Paolo Conte)

Then there

against blue sky with snow that you sing and then down around

no time to stop
to fall behind
(Coppi, Gino Paoli)

"A man only in command, his shirt is blue and white, his name is Fausto Coppi. The Campionissimo makes unforgettable the day today. Tenth stage of the thirty-ninth Tour de France: Lausanne - L'Alpe-d'Huez. Mileage: duecentosessantotto.
Coppi takes the yellow jersey after having transferred on loan for a day of team-mate Andrea Carrea. As we watch the images of the arrival and ceremony, in which ours is flooded with flowers, the photographer Carlo Martini tells us of a photograph, we are sure, will become history ... "
He moved quickly from item Ferretti still did not understand how it was possible that even in France, to take his television RAI. He did not want to hear a story that he had lived: the journalist was good, and it was also the photographer in question, but surely would have blown the thing up to make it to national proportions. Would address all once finished the Tour now, all he needed was a shower, followed by a light supper, and then a good sleep. He was tired, and the next day's stage was just as grueling, but even that was going to win: the arrival was at Sestrières, and could not disappoint the fans its region.
then slid beautifully out of the hall, where about fifty people staring mesmerized as the little television, and Corinth in his room.

had not even had time to undress, when they knocked on the door: three light taps, could announce that only one person. Went to open it, and, without looking, stepped aside, and entered Gino Bartali.
" Brava, Campionissimo," greeted him. Fausto
pulled up to force a corner of his mouth in a sort of smile: "Thanks."
"Do you think I will be talking about for a long time of that photo?" Said Gino.
"At least until you tell them which of us was to pass the bottle another, "said Fausto.
Gino became thoughtful, "So we will not say anything they think what they want. So never stop talking about it. " Fausto idea
smiled: "I do not think it will be a long story, however: in a few months if they do not remember any more."
"We'll see ..." was the reply of the oldest.
They were silent for a while ': Gino looked out the window, staring at who knows what, Fausto wandered around the room, moving the few ornaments the squares and straightening.
"So you are tired enough?" Gino asked suddenly, without looking at him.
Fausto, however, turned around, "What do you mean?" He asked, puzzled.
"I mean that I win the stage tomorrow," came the reply. Gino continued to stare through the glass.
"Are you sure?".
"More than safety. On this stage, you have won a fortune, but do not have the right to deal with two physical hard work of its kind in a row. Tomorrow, the stage is mine. " Gino's tone was very firm, Fausto but found it a little childish.
"What happened? Are you tired of always being behind me? "He asked, taking him around good-naturedly.
Then the other turned around: "You were born to annoy me, water carrier."
"I would not want you attributing too many merits, Ginettaccio, Fausto smiled.
Gino smiled, and stared for a long, intense moment, before approaching a little 'and kissing.
Nothing soft and romantic, of course: If Ferretti had witnessed the scene, he would have described as "one of many exchanges of liquids that true sportsmen do not deny the opponent in trouble. "
was right: you need to kiss. The hands on the shoulders of the other, half-closed eyes, their lips was a thin greed, like the one you take when you're in the middle of the Stelvio, pushing hard on the pedals of a bicycle that weighs fourteen pounds good . When you're on a climb like this, a sip of water makes you regain your breath, blood and legs. For them, at that time, was worth the same speech, and that kiss was to forget the tiredness, the bad and the muscles fatigue proved. And after a minute, they were both naked, tied to each other under the covers, always kissing with more enthusiasm, sucking each other off the sweat from the skin.
We would see nothing wrong even if had they pointed out: for them it was a way to release tension after the race. They did nothing wrong, after all.
Moreover, we liked each other, often to the contrary notwithstanding. Among them was estimated. And yes, even affection. Confidence unconditionally. If it were not, on the other hand, Fausto would have never given up so easily Gino, who, however, carried him over the edge of pleasure every time. Every so often, haste, urgency, and sometimes the irritation brought the oldest not to prepare the other properly. And this was one of those cases. But Fausto took no notice, too focused on Gino's chest pressed against his back: the skin was so hot that seemed to catch fire at any moment.
When my friend was all inside him, began to push steadily. The times when they ran directly toward the same goal could not be counted, but in these cases, they ran together, which is quite different.
"Come" Fausto whispered suddenly, "Come inside me, before me."
and Gino did not pray.

Later, washed, dried and coated, Fausto was preparing to go to dinner. Gino, who was to return to his room, he paused in the doorway and turns to look at each other, "Fausto", he called it.
"I take away the curiosity?".
"If I can."
"Why do you have asked in that tone? Usually prefer to ... well, you usually want ... before, "Gino is embarrassed.
Fausto smiled, crooked, "Oh, it's simple: because you were behind me, as always, I thought I'd ask you a kindness, making you reach for first time for a change '...." Gino
stared at him open-mouthed, not wanting to believe his ears! Then he decided to resolve the issue as always: "water," he muttered between his teeth, "We'll see tomorrow." And he left slamming the door. The

next day, Fausto Coppi won the eleventh stage of the Tour de France 1952.
Ferretti made his usual commentary perfect, but he did not notice the exchange of glances between the two opponents if he had noticed, would certainly have seen the smile in the direction of Campionissimo Ginettaccio. E Bartali respond with a wink.
Probably, if he had realized all this would have translated all with: "Fausto Coppi routs his opponent on the road. But Gino Bartali not intimidate you, and his words are a challenge: the stage today is not over yet, Dipper. "
They finished the stage as always: under the sheets. Bartali won, but the yellow jersey remained in pairs.

The sentence starting, "one man in command, his shirt is blue and white, his name is Fausto Coppi", Ferretti has really delivered, but the stage was the third last of the Tour of Italy in 1949. I do not know if he never repeated, nor in 1952 when he was still doing the commentary, but these are small that I have taken poetic license. Probably not a realistic thing in the 50s in France took the RAI, but in the end, there very little realistic in this story. So, take this as a poetic license.

Coppi Bartali called "water carrier" during a stage of the Tour of 1940: the Passo Rolle, Coppi was a crisis, could no longer ride. He stopped at the roadside and began to cry, decided to retire. Bartali, who was just ahead, given the scene, turned back, and using all kind of ways, urged him to resume the race. "Water" as far as I know, is a term used in Tuscany with derogatory tone towards those who do not drink wine, as if to say "you're just a man." Since Coppi was Piedmontese (and therefore highly likely did not know the double meaning of the word took on the lips of Bartali) and has always been a teetotaler, did not hear anything that might offend him. In fact he did not take offense: harassed by his contrary, also won the Tour of Italy that year.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cbc Show Signs Of Hiv

flutter on the Seventh Day of Xmas my true love sent to me ...

[...... seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.]

The Seven Days Meme
#1 • a song
#2 • a picture

#3 • a book/ebook/fanfic
                               #4 • a site
                               #5 • a youtube clip
                               #6 • a quote
                               #7 • whatever tickles your fancy

girasoli *_____*
amo *______*

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hard And Bloated Stomach After Ovulation

on the Sixth Day of Xmas my true love sent to me ...

[...six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.]

The Seven Days Meme
#1 • a song
#2 • a picture

#3 • a book/ebook/fanfic
                               #4 • a site
                               #5 • a youtube clip
                               #6 • a quote
                               #7 • whatever tickles your fancy

" La Luce not remove the 'Shadow ,
' s
Shadow remove the Light . The
Day play with you, then t'abbandona:
Night your mistress "

(" The bar under the sea " ;, Stefano Benni)

because lately I feel so, my pessimism has returned to the big town.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Opening Prayer For A Debut

[Original] This is the love in my

Title: This is the love in my
Fandom: Original
Rating: G
Word count ( FiumiDiParole): 318
Notes: 1)
fluffosa for the second week of WWF (Warning Fest Weeks) of FiumiDiParole .
2) title cheerfully stolen from one of the songs on "Add a seat at the table."

That elderly couple sitting on a bench in Piazza Castello, is exactly the model of my future life. They
chatting up, perhaps their children or grandchildren, or maybe the neighbor's cat continues to eat the leaves hydrangea ("For it would be to be diluted by the kilo here, from the nen Téne Duert fnesta by d'noite. "" Ah, but t'lu sas cum'alé Faita, CULA there: in the à nen tut to the bosc sust). * 1 *
I do not know exactly what the topic they are talking about: they are too distant to hear. But I can watch them and imagine their conversation, the tone they use, the light laughter.
He has his hands clasped and resting on the knob of the walking stick, she fiddles with his glasses: puts, removes them, cleans them with a corner of the handkerchief, forgave them.
densely chatting, completely ignoring any noise: honking, braking, tram. They seem to be under a glass bell. The heads together, hands that sometimes are very close. He holds his head slightly turned to his wife, she sometimes removes a hair from the lapel of his jacket.
smile often. They smile when they pass a couple hand in hand when approaching a bird pecking at the crumbs, when a child runs a bit 'sprawling to the ice, dragging his mother ("What a beautiful cit, t'las vist?". "Yes, and cur prudent to bin!"). * 2 *
Now they are going. He settles down his hat, move the stick in his right hand and extends his arm to his wife. She finally bestrides glasses, gets up and takes him under his arm. Exude love in every gesture, even the simplest.
They walk calmly towards Via Garibaldi. He is waving the stick to give something to a window of the Palazzo della Regione. I hear her laugh a little and hit him up on his arm (Lasu Tlas vist? Fin'na the Culumba to the nen to an pì Curago of shit there 'nsima. "" Oh, Giuan! Piantla there! "). * 3 *
then disappear around the corner.

* 1 * "We should tell him, that there, not to keep the window open at night." "Ah, but you know how it is made, that there: is not right with his head" (Read: not all the wood dry)

* 2 * "What a beautiful child, did you see?". "Yes, and it runs just fine!"

* 3 * "Did you see there? Even the pigeons have the nerve to shit up there. " "Oh, John! Stop!"