Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mild Reversal Of The Cervical Lordosis

* EDIT: finally rise from the dark and infinite period of examinations. First, I conclude this report bad, then we see *

What I love Torino, I think is well-founded.
May I love the books is a fact. We combine the two things
nellla twenty-third edition of the Book Fair and see me float in midair for the four halls of the Lingotto for all five days of the event. I recognize the eyes in the shape of heart, empty wallet, arms loaded with my books and run like a spinning top gone crazy a thousand conferences per day.
I love this.

Thursday I got a tour of the exhibition and I did a little 'heat with a couple of meetings: one entitled "The Indians, a portrait of a people" and the presentation of a book entitled "Four Steps in Middle-earth."
A soft start, short. I made the acquaintance of a small publisher Palermo (18:30 editions), nice and kind, which stops suddenly me and my roommate Exhibition (Luta), we read the opening words of a book, then the ' beginning of another, then a song a third party. Have to buy some '(they are small book of 30 short pages) and we chat.
And then, the EvenTone the day. Around the stand of the Press, I turn and I find myself in front of Stefano Benni.
A moment of panic, then catch the fly "Bar Sport 2000" (never mind that it is a duplicate: Benni any book it would have been) and the plaque, making me sign. None of this would have happened without the help of providential Luta, of course: I lose the ability to speak, when I meet my favorite writers. But, thanks to her, I now have the first book I ever read Benni (and with whom I fell in love with his streak of madness) and autographed with a nice kitten designed on the fly from the man amazing ...

Friday the day bad part: I get off the bike to park it and go get the train, and I fall into ruin on the floor. Twisted ankle, given the persistent pain and swelling to walk that makes her look like an elephant's foot. But it is the second day of the exhibition, I can not sit at home. Heedless of the pain, I go down to Turin and I enjoy a great hour and a half by Valerio Massimo Manfredi, I never treat with all the assumptions made about the location of the tomb of Alexander the Great. The love I feel is indescribable.
Following the presentation of an anthology of love poems (Particolamenteamante not because he is like that, but because the presentation itself is run by Guido Davico Bonino, who is one of Italy's most fun ever).
finish with a flourish with a meeting with Dario For, who presented his "Bible of the peasants" and recites a passage in the book: my first ten minutes of Gramelot live. It has a fantastic stage presence, and even to say, I love him so much.

Saturday delivery with De Magistris, Beha, Mary and Massimo Fini: "Italy was lost. Citizens, politics and justice. " The thing is Wonderful which seemed to me they were reading in the brain: I had no questions to ask at the end because they had already said everything that I could have thought. Say no more, because words would be useless.
Following a meeting on a project for schools in the mountains (I'm not going to bore you about it, really XD), really interesting, if you work in, then flees to the house: the crowd on Saturday was too much, and I have no reason to stay (this explains why the seats for the presentation of "Ad personam" are exhausted ... -.-'')

Sunday is, as always, day when there would be a million things to do, but not yet given the gift of ubiquity, I need to settle ...
So conferenzina on film by Tim Burton, quick detour to the presentation of "The cuisine of Amélie, a wild hour of readings from texts of the epic Indian fantastic and then two hours with Corona and De Luca, conference entitled "Memories of the mountain." Epic Win of Corona with these sentences:
"We must not cut the tuna with a breadstick. You're three days without eating and see what he eats tuna and even the box. "
"It's not that the mountains teacher of life: if it is a jerk, jerk is. "
"Do not ape the modified: stay the tree that you are". And
Epic Win De Luca when he says that "The climb takes me back to being the strisciente be that we have been in the past. I like climbing because it is useless. "

Monday, finally. Few things, as always. It seems that Monday has no desire to lecture interesting. Bah. However
. An hour well spent to be told of how Indian letterattura evolved over time, two words to submit some guides to tourist routes in Piedmont and concludes with the presentation of a couple of books treating the subject of the garden in a little 'different from the usual treatise on agronomy. "The plants are serious people," says Ernesto Ferrero. And I feel obliged to thank him for the splendid exhibition of this year.

book includes:
Amélie Nothomb, "Attack", "The Catilinarian" and "Antichrista.
Chuck Palaniuk, "Choke" and "Gang Bang".
Mauro Corona, "The Story of Snow".
Erri De Luca: "On the track Nives.


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