Friday, October 8, 2010

Meaning Of (sgcc) (secc)

Any other

Tra un mese anche io, come altri, leverò tents.

Visa and tickets are already there ... The suitcase is still missing but somehow settle out, too.
This time I shall stand among many Italians (at least at first) and this makes me a little 'fear (let's say that I am losing my mind) because I do not know how to find us. But I'm pretty optimistic!
Another little thing that scares me a bit 'is that the trip will be longer than I'm used to, and at the moment, his back still hurts after the last attack (two days in bed with fainting and threatened to sue those who tried to raise me -.-) And I do not know if next month will be completely healed (DEVE!!).

Meanwhile, I decided to sell some shoujo I have at home (ok, I had my way, but would keep them, among other things, the brother has already decided that my bedroom, this time, it will be a studio) and I put an ad here. I have another couple of addresses of sites where to place ads, but not having an account on forumcommunity do not know how worth it (cioè. .. I miss the feedback, I miss posts ... who would buy from me?).

change the subject ... I finally started to see Air Gear. The manga I remembered him more interesting (it was easier Skippa pages fanservice for boys) but boh are just starting so maybe there is hope.
I also saw (finally) Darker than black and well, the first series is very much pucci while OVA and especially the second series are much less. Even more "finally" I'm done rahxephon. It 'was a disappointment of souls, the beginning was very promising but gradually fell by the way ... Air Gear
Once finished, I have some other anime that I like to follow but I do not know if I have time ...

Last week I saw myself with [info] yoketto and we made a nice stroll in Bologna (spin summed up in a station-by-market parts of the tower donkey XD. We always ended there!). E 'was great fun even though I was full of pain -.-;;; (If I could buy a black market body parts, well, I would..) Among the highlights of the day there was first of all my wonderful presentation superoriginale wondering where to go in the bathroom XD. Then, the terror of walking on a transparent floor (under the floor were the excavations Belli ... but fear is fear u_u) and the discovery that there were flag-wavers to the streets! Good for an hour we tried to find the best place to take pictures and then miss the beginning of ragged as they are too busy to make us stupid picture that, however, they came out just fine!

Oh yeah, I forgot ... I started playing with Pokemon -__-;;. I do I just suck ...


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