Friday, April 16, 2010

Opening Prayer For A Debut

[Original] This is the love in my

Title: This is the love in my
Fandom: Original
Rating: G
Word count ( FiumiDiParole): 318
Notes: 1)
fluffosa for the second week of WWF (Warning Fest Weeks) of FiumiDiParole .
2) title cheerfully stolen from one of the songs on "Add a seat at the table."

That elderly couple sitting on a bench in Piazza Castello, is exactly the model of my future life. They
chatting up, perhaps their children or grandchildren, or maybe the neighbor's cat continues to eat the leaves hydrangea ("For it would be to be diluted by the kilo here, from the nen Téne Duert fnesta by d'noite. "" Ah, but t'lu sas cum'alé Faita, CULA there: in the à nen tut to the bosc sust). * 1 *
I do not know exactly what the topic they are talking about: they are too distant to hear. But I can watch them and imagine their conversation, the tone they use, the light laughter.
He has his hands clasped and resting on the knob of the walking stick, she fiddles with his glasses: puts, removes them, cleans them with a corner of the handkerchief, forgave them.
densely chatting, completely ignoring any noise: honking, braking, tram. They seem to be under a glass bell. The heads together, hands that sometimes are very close. He holds his head slightly turned to his wife, she sometimes removes a hair from the lapel of his jacket.
smile often. They smile when they pass a couple hand in hand when approaching a bird pecking at the crumbs, when a child runs a bit 'sprawling to the ice, dragging his mother ("What a beautiful cit, t'las vist?". "Yes, and cur prudent to bin!"). * 2 *
Now they are going. He settles down his hat, move the stick in his right hand and extends his arm to his wife. She finally bestrides glasses, gets up and takes him under his arm. Exude love in every gesture, even the simplest.
They walk calmly towards Via Garibaldi. He is waving the stick to give something to a window of the Palazzo della Regione. I hear her laugh a little and hit him up on his arm (Lasu Tlas vist? Fin'na the Culumba to the nen to an pì Curago of shit there 'nsima. "" Oh, Giuan! Piantla there! "). * 3 *
then disappear around the corner.

* 1 * "We should tell him, that there, not to keep the window open at night." "Ah, but you know how it is made, that there: is not right with his head" (Read: not all the wood dry)

* 2 * "What a beautiful child, did you see?". "Yes, and it runs just fine!"

* 3 * "Did you see there? Even the pigeons have the nerve to shit up there. " "Oh, John! Stop!"


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