Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Licence Plate Concealer

evolution (or devolution?)

fishing more anxious mother (never ask a question ... you ask why, for what and wherefores for the rest of your life) take to spend the day cleaning house.
Among the various 'hobby' of the day there was:
spray-not-so-who-did-what-but-evil (bleach?) On the wall to remove the mold (in the vain hope that my father decides to repaint the all-will because he has to break a piece of wall-) risk of poisoning.
-Thoroughly clean the fridge in the kitchen (ah ah ah ... it was a tragic thing we discovered a problem with the plug. Who knows how long we risk burning house ...).
-clean the carpets in the living room ... I would not wish on anyone.
the next fishing trip will clean the 'bar' and they will be laughing because I'll have to throw / boxing all my videos of Dragon Ball ...

Among the good things the last few days there was the usual involution about my health (Hello hello gastritis, had been so long since we were, eh), the evolution of some members of my family who started to read a book of Diabolik.
This I explain: in my house reads very, very little (except newspapers). But there are so many books, half of which I bought.

The brother has even given up the first Harry Potter book and the only thing he reads every day I think is the forum of his guild Wow. I tried to do an experiment and put in different times, books in the bathroom but it was no use. A few days ago I recovered from my library a book of Diabolik (actually the main theme is Eva Kant but vabbeh) and I put it, complete with bookmarks on the bath chair. The choice fell on this a bit 'because it is not a manga, an Italian author and is in Italian, is written in large and there is more of a story inside. Oh, surprisingly someone is reading: the bookmark is moving!

Among other nice things is the example of my stupidity Internet users.
I spent days fiddling (desperation) with Joomla in the hope of being able to replicate my static site with this CMS and then suddenly change and move on wordpress and replicate well site. Too bad that my database on altervista is a bit 'limited and therefore cause problems if we work too much ... m'รจ increase so touched and now I'm here to hope that, just put him in line, many people click on the banner and let me earn the money necessary to keep fake without having to shell out real money.
By the way, I'm looking for icons to put in it for one thing, but I can not find what I want. On the contrary, I'm finding all the mini icons Where's My Car, which, while making new lj layout, it was (and is one of the reasons that lay untouched ... and it sucks). Bah
the second.
However, all this talk made me reflect once again on one thing: I really wrong right \u0026lt;___\u0026lt; If I was going to do computer engineering (computer no: there is already a nightmare and his brother would have been prog.1 double for the family ...) I would have done well as the specialist and I would have to work somewhere \u0026lt;_ \u0026lt;
Of course if I had not done what I did bla bla bla I would never have got the lovely letter pig (in the sense that the envelope is shaped like a pig) that I received today from Japan.


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