Sunday, June 27, 2010

How To Dress Grunge/rocker

bad ideas ...

I had the bad idea to organize my fanlists in an 'automatic' so not having to check the links and rewrite all the html every holy time. To do this I downloaded some scripts and I am able to make a run only ...
The script is nice because it makes me charge more or less automatic and thinks him to put in order by category etc etc. Of which has the cute little that needs to use a database and the I have on altervista is small (= every ten Fanlist tells me that I get from the query and I have to wait an hour to start to pick up) and occasionally the script makes me rid of the footer of the site>. \u0026lt;
Well, maybe it will zoom at the time but not really worth ...

Vabbeh, this is to say that in a few days my spirit webmaster has had a surge led to create a more sitarello , not all (of course) where you could make all the pages around the web that I have (few, for hours ...). Do I have to stop these surges of creativity that do not lead to anything good \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;;

On other fronts I finished the first version of a translation I had to do and I translated half a chapter of another Manghina ... I felt so productive in that moments · ° shame that as usual is not an output that leads me pecunia ...

On the "pecuniary" (also called "front Schei") are the Green and center for the use I have not even replied 'thank you, the mail has arrived' at my mail 'I apply to do xyz '. Monday allowing car, I'm going to break the chestnuts ...
Oh, by car ... after a month and spends between insurance and various menate we took the mechanic. It must be a sucker machine because there is not the first time have returned (ie, when they promised) and then we have given back with the smears that there should be ... This means that the machine can not be touched until reported by the mechanical AGAIN.
I to my father I told you not to make that: the Fiat are losers. Before the One who would stop at dick while you were waiting at traffic lights and then this, which just emerged from the dealer, has picked up a knock and is back in the shop ... It was really a wheelbarrow
better -.-

Front and family vacation ... Well, to my 'aunt when I return from the sea I go a few days with her 'there was an uprising by a half of my (I do not remember what I miss most) because they did not understand the part' when he returns from the sea 'but especially the part' aunt '. .. he knew something like 'when I turn I visit my cousin for a few days'. As he did not know ...
Basically I need to get away or a society that expects to do something constructive or not:
-go to the beach to sunbathe because they are white (I miss Japan so much he loves the people with white skin )
go-around various pubs and beer festivals only to drink or to chat (because I have to pay to talk -.-).
I miss Tokyo so much from this point of view: there is never much wanted to find someone to go around the parks.
Here instead to go see a cabbage garden of my hand, I have hope in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Ugh, more of a vacation that I realize I need a job that takes me away from home as much as possible here because I'm getting really hikkikomori and realize it is really depressing \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;.

Vabbeh, time has passed and I return to my fanlists ...


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