Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Licence Plate Concealer

evolution (or devolution?)

fishing more anxious mother (never ask a question ... you ask why, for what and wherefores for the rest of your life) take to spend the day cleaning house.
Among the various 'hobby' of the day there was:
spray-not-so-who-did-what-but-evil (bleach?) On the wall to remove the mold (in the vain hope that my father decides to repaint the all-will because he has to break a piece of wall-) risk of poisoning.
-Thoroughly clean the fridge in the kitchen (ah ah ah ... it was a tragic thing we discovered a problem with the plug. Who knows how long we risk burning house ...).
-clean the carpets in the living room ... I would not wish on anyone.
the next fishing trip will clean the 'bar' and they will be laughing because I'll have to throw / boxing all my videos of Dragon Ball ...

Among the good things the last few days there was the usual involution about my health (Hello hello gastritis, had been so long since we were, eh), the evolution of some members of my family who started to read a book of Diabolik.
This I explain: in my house reads very, very little (except newspapers). But there are so many books, half of which I bought.

The brother has even given up the first Harry Potter book and the only thing he reads every day I think is the forum of his guild Wow. I tried to do an experiment and put in different times, books in the bathroom but it was no use. A few days ago I recovered from my library a book of Diabolik (actually the main theme is Eva Kant but vabbeh) and I put it, complete with bookmarks on the bath chair. The choice fell on this a bit 'because it is not a manga, an Italian author and is in Italian, is written in large and there is more of a story inside. Oh, surprisingly someone is reading: the bookmark is moving!

Among other nice things is the example of my stupidity Internet users.
I spent days fiddling (desperation) with Joomla in the hope of being able to replicate my static site with this CMS and then suddenly change and move on wordpress and replicate well site. Too bad that my database on altervista is a bit 'limited and therefore cause problems if we work too much ... m'è increase so touched and now I'm here to hope that, just put him in line, many people click on the banner and let me earn the money necessary to keep fake without having to shell out real money.
By the way, I'm looking for icons to put in it for one thing, but I can not find what I want. On the contrary, I'm finding all the mini icons Where's My Car, which, while making new lj layout, it was (and is one of the reasons that lay untouched ... and it sucks). Bah
the second.
However, all this talk made me reflect once again on one thing: I really wrong right \u0026lt;___\u0026lt; If I was going to do computer engineering (computer no: there is already a nightmare and his brother would have been prog.1 double for the family ...) I would have done well as the specialist and I would have to work somewhere \u0026lt;_ \u0026lt;
Of course if I had not done what I did bla bla bla I would never have got the lovely letter pig (in the sense that the envelope is shaped like a pig) that I received today from Japan.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Martingale Roulette Illegal

the magical world of scan * O *

I believe that soon Inside scanlation will add a mini chapter IV.2 the third part of the history of scanlation.
After the letter of the thirty publishers where a coalition against the phenomenon of scanlation (in praticolare against sites 'scanlation aggregator') has closed a scanlation site, a site 'aggregator' has changed its policy and is taking steps / ha already taken steps to get rid of several manga in its pages, and then another site 'aggregator' is closing.
Some say that this step will return you to use mIrc while others believe that the sites of scan will reach the point of having to close.
Well, I'm quite puzzled by all this. While I have always hated sites in which to read manga scanlati I had to pay quite strange that the publishers have decided to fight this phenomenon hours and above who have not already deleted a 'certain site' where you have to pay to read a 'certain manga' (the most scanslato history ...).

However, I reflected on one thing: the scanlation phenomenon is a bit 'out of control. From what little I know about the shoujo side and (mostly) shounen there are many groups working on the same / the same projects that are now license for centuries. The famous etiquette and the implicit rules of the scan are the world go to hell ...

The phenomenon Italian does not know him well but I'm trying to get an idea of what concerns the scan yaoi in Italy.
yaoi published by publishers in Italy there are few (and often are not even done well in comparison to what you're paying to buy them), but despite this are scanlati ...
also between groups of scans if they are created by some who do not respect other people's work by taking the release of the British groups without permits, make obscene work with regard to translation and editing (and I'm not even that fussy as regards the latter thing ...) and let you publish ...
Among these, the most ridiculous, is a group (of which not even remember the name) that, instead of using the scan 'normal' uses those taken by the online viewer. I've always wondered why it does especially if I am to have caught their only release available outside of their super-secret forum done so or if indeed it is their standard.
Here, about super-secret forum ... Why? What is their purpose? The scan does not
are perhaps born in Italy to bring new material? I write well in their presentations of their forum ...
So why make access to these scans so hard? In the world of
English scan is a single group so secret even ask where you have links for download via mail .. how is it that in Italy there is more than a group that does so?
What do they want to protect? There are many people who translate from Italian to release a different language so you can not for fear of seeing their projects retranslated into other languages.
E 'to make friends? But if, for example, 100 people download that file is that you can make friends all the 100 ...
E 'for the thrill of having the power in their hands? Ma .. that is ... We are on the internet, scan should be a hobby ... not a way to conquer the world ... And then there are people who still do not have time to write one thousand posts each month to read, perhaps, only a manga. In a sense
mIrc could also be considered an awkward to reach the scan but there is a substantial difference with the method they use these groups: on mIRC, once you understand how it works, do not necessarily participate in the life channel. Arrivals and discharges you go. In some chan is not even necessary to greet ... Obvious that the people 'fixed' the chan maybe occasionally the two would talk but I can not force you to come in the chan at least five times a week and speak at least five minutes each time asking for the password to the chan op ... would be ridiculous.

Ah here, another thing I noticed is that these new groups do not understand Italian: why do double release of other groups? Why create such a group of six people to do XYZ manga done by another group just because it is slow? They could not get into that group? Maybe this group has already prepared the scan and the translation and only needs an editor to finish the job ...
If you do not like the way to work in this group, because a redo thing already done? Why not take other manga and translate them?
Mah E 'wasteful projects have double, especially if the group who started the first such project is one of those serious works that' good '...

Monday, July 12, 2010

How Long Does Plan B Stay In Your Body

July, with the good that you want, you'll see will not end * ai-ai-ia-iààààà *

* * *
That rises from the darkness, to be precise I have an exam next Thursday. But I find a moment to stick my card last points, magggico
fest of FIFF * love *.
* * grabs the glue stick

not meraviglioUsa? * _ * The
will complete, I can feel it. Also because of my counter
FiDiPu is running in place by April OMG * faints *.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Can Hiv Live On Needle For Sewing


Fever in July?
Oh yes!
not fly to 38th but they are dead (which I've never fever when I'm wrong). And is the second day ... In addition rompimaroni
neighbors than with their own pool of cabbage they start screaming to the holidays. Until eleven o'clock and spends the evening. And I hear them through double windows, shutters and air conditioning on. In desperation I began to feel Tsumasaki ni kiss (nice Puccio and sin that I fell asleep before the end ^^;).

In most in all this, Germany has lost ... and yet another team to cheer and then lost ... Now I do not really no one to cheer the final: both teams play in a way that I do not really like (not that Germany has played decently yesterday eh -.-).
also will end the world and I I will not have my evenings and afternoons spent in front of a soda and a slice of piping hot popcorn \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;.

I'm going to die ...

but first ... how beautiful is The Big Bang Theory? *____* Sheldon is adorably obnoxious. The mute is nice just as long as is silent, Leonard is well, unless the loser of all (or most unlucky because sometimes really ...) and the last to be so disgusting that it is simply not worth be named. But the series is so cute * _ * (and deserves my brother followed her, despite being in English with Italian subtitles ...)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Holly Willoughby Gold Circle Necklace

Internet & company

The Professor Course 'Internet and webcommerce' (or whatever you call ) at the time had insisted so much on the fact that to have a great site you were to advertise it and play on the links. If I remember correctly had also insisted on the meta (or maybe it was the prof of some other course in this case?).
It 's easier said than done ... With metatags
once you've finished writing you are half the battle, you just have to wait and hope that someone searches for those keywords. Obviously you have to hope that there are many sites that deal with the same subject and that have the same keywords in meta tags ...
Obviously I am unlucky. Web sites about doujinshi and there are piles of mine is the newest, so if Google indexes it, makes it almost last (I did not check to keep from crying). In contrast to sites on the DJ INID there are few, and so I appear the first place (or second) and so on ...
How to link the speech is a bit 'more complicated: it is a doujinshi site do I need to link to sites that deal or series of scans or directly concerned. Eh ... scans ... Considering that I hate people who use a free ride to scan the other without asking for permission not know if I try to affiliate sites that fans like that or do without @ @. Ok that is for the survival of my sitarello but it is still a fight to the death between me and my conscience ... Who knows who will win \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;;