Monday, March 8, 2010

Why Cervix Swollen Before Period

"Sometimes I think of six impossible things before breakfast." "Well done, excellent exercise."

Maybe it is Tim Burton. Will that is Johnny Depp. Helena Bonham Carter will be there. It will be that of Alice, I never liked Disney and I've always preferred the original Alice, that of Carroll. Will that 3D is becoming a drug. I do not know what it is, but I love that movie. I loved it so much, really.
But (because there is always a "however"), there are malerrimo remained at the end. I say no more, in case anyone has not seen yet. But v'avviso: the end to leave a bitter taste great.

However, as always I do not know what my favorite character. There are too favorite characters in the story.

The March Hare deserves a nomination, if only for his gaze while holding a spoon, before declaiming, for the note: "Spoon." Here, I'm finished laughing, there XD

Tweedledee and Tweedledum are Tenerini and Paciocco and liked very little - down! I liked very much.

The Cheshire Cat is beautiful *.* I liked a lot the blue stripes on gray hair. Much more beautiful than Disney, so to speak.

Brucaliffo not, however: the Disney I liked more. And then it was the smoke rings in the shape of letters, was a cool U_U

We come to the painful part: the Red Queen. Which, by the admission of Burton, is a mix between the Queen of Hearts in "Alice in Wonderland" and the Black Queen of Alice in the Looking Glass "(in line with the mix of the Disney cartoon, among ' other). Painful part because, while I have always loved the Queen of Hearts, the Black Queen, I never born. You understand well that I am in impasse. And 'certainly the most well made of Disneyana, but this had little to be raining: we are talking about Helena Bonham Carter, is that clear? (Ah, I love it! *.*)

And then there him. The Mad Hatter. Johnny Depp. PERFECT, no other words. No one else was able to make that character so well. It 's just perfect. (Ah, I love him too! *.*)

Well, I do not know what my favorite character, as always.
But it was here that I wanted to go.

What I wanted to say is that I have read a lot of bad reviews: "Exit from the canons of history," "Do not even look like Tim Burton, "My nephew three years would have played better." There. Will that be easy and it is likely that difficult to find a movie that I do not like (have happened three times in all, and one of them was for "A Clockwork Orange", which I then reassessed the following year ), but "Alice in Wonderland" I found it perfectly included in the canons of history (especially because the original is a story without fees), played ottimamante and, above all, precisely in line with the direction of Burton classic. Those who say that usually, in the Burton film, won the outsider, and in this case, the outsider is the Red Queen, have probably noticed one of the last bars of the White Queen: the Knave of Hearts begs her to kill him and she says, candidly, "But I do not owe you any courtesy. " Then
. I find a character so much an outsider, rather than shouting "Off with his head" at every turn. But maybe I am ... U_U

Well, now I've said and I feel better. I can go complain to the final.
short, we are upset. At least there was a little kiss, I think. I had been in Alice would have stayed there, anyway.

I created, just returned from the cinema, just because we are upset. I came out a double and a triple drabble. As soon as my beta betarmi can I do betare (XD) and then place.

I go: I still think of six impossible things before going to university.


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