Sunday, February 21, 2010

How To Decorate A Rabbit Cage

Because I'm worth, and next year I win Sanremo San

Since now everything seems to be legal (and I refer to the fact that, although it has been decided in '45 to be a Republic, we accept that a French cock, which also claims to still be called "Prince", is present in San Remo with a song called "my love Italy," along the twin brother of Brunetta and to a standard that is in the wrong place while the first two were wondering who to take as a third of the Trio pain), I feel entitled to attend the upcoming Festival of Italian Song, along with whoever wants to join the group (I have no intention to participate as soloist).

I have pointed out that there have already snatched the most beautiful themes. It 's true, unfortunately. Who said anything about gay and terminal illnesses, who spoke of psychiatric illness, who has talked about [the following infinite list of bad luck, sung during the sixty years of the Festival, up to 1952 when Nilla Pizzi, with its "Fly dove," already spoke of the fallen at work, with a delicate metaphor, which combines the sweet pain of death to eternal rest: We left the shipyard / glad of our work / And the bell ding dong / There was a chorus / Every night I fall asleep sad / And in my dreams I cry and I call upon you / Fly, white dove, fly / You tell him / That will return ]

In any case, I believe to have had the winning idea: we want something that moves the audience and gives him a share, combined with a sound that charms the orchestra, so we also monopolized the critics' prize.
The idea is this: he, the boy who does not know what to do with his sex life, he feels attracted to his aunt and his cello teacher.
The boy's mother is worried about the financial crisis, and her husband is a violent cocaine addict who lost their jobs because of immigrants in Latvia.
The youngest son of the two suffers from hydrocephalus and a delay of learning: it says "oh" every time he sees a mouse.
One day, the main character (the guy not afraid nor incest, nor by gerontophiles) accidentally comes across in his classmate who is stealing car radios. Pervaded by the spirit, call the police. While awaiting the arrival of the armed forces, however, her school friend has time to fill the barrel, leaving more dead than alive, snatch a little old and insult the ancestor of our hero to the seventh generation. Also, threatening to burn the house, because it claims to have the right connections in the branch. Then run away.
him, seized by remorse, goes to confession, ending up in the clutches of a pedophile priest very short-sighted, who does not notice that the boy already has its good 18 years, and tries to track. The unfortunate young man fled into the countryside, where he meets a sexy country girls, it starts with the pleasures of ... good food (what did you think, pigs?).
The young man understood from this meeting which will be his future, he enrolled in Gastronomic Sciences and opens a restaurant chain that has a huge success. Become rich, pay the debts of the great old parents and detoxification of the father, runs with the Porsche and three beautiful pussy, that matches the dress she is wearing.
not forget to send a box of chocolates to the peasant, every year at Christmas.
The pedophile priest dies. Old age, but we can pretend that it is divine justice.
His classmate who stole the car radio gets caught committing a crime to kiss Andreotti. Arrested, he will be sentenced imprisonment in the first instance, then the penalty will be changed to three months of house arrest with probation. Not even one will suffer, and continue its illegal business abroad. When Moriah will be buried in Hammamet.
The boy's aunt marries his cello teacher.

remains now is to establish the group and find a suitable title. Hoping that there
accuse of plagiarism by reference to the retarded children's song Povia, of course. But I think we can claim it as a tribute


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