Sunday, February 14, 2010

How Much Ferrous Fumarate In Pregnancy

[Original] Almost twins

Title: Almost twins
Fandom: original
Rating: PG for language

Word count (Fiumidiparole): 3104
Notes: written challenge for Valentine's Day / San Faustino FDP

"I hate my birthday. I hate it, really. There is nothing in the world that I hate most, "he says, exasperated, Faustino," I would have liked to come in another day, any one. "
Armida, her older sister, looks and sighs: "Fausto, I would like to call them in another way, any one, but it did not happen. What should I do? Shoot me? ". But
Faustino not listening: "In fact, there is one thing I hate most, and it is the birthday of the Vale" she said. It would
Valentino's brother, Faustino and Armida. twin brother of Faustino, but, ironically, was born the day before him, Valentino was born Feb. 14, exactly twenty-three and fifty. Faustino, however, is born at midnight and five in the 15 February. And the mind of their mother, darkened dall'epidurale, gave birth, with them, the idea of those wonderful names: Valentino, because born on Valentine's Day, in fact, because Faustino was born on the day of St. Faustino, not even to say it.
"If they were both born on 14 you would do?" Laughs her husband, whenever it comes to names.
"What a question!", She replies, "I would have given them other names." Unassailable logic, actually.

"Mommy, why Faustino ? ", Complains about the poor boy continued," It was good Fausto ? Eh? What would change? ".
"Just because there is no difference, what do you care?" Replies invariably her mother, with a slightly dazed smile. The change that
San Faustino is the patron saint of singles, but how do you explain this to your mother?

to be precise, it got better so, from mere respect to age, as the second choice on the Inca mother would drop the names of grandparents: Nestor and Eleuterio. What with all the good that one may want to their grandparents, it would certainly come a time when the two children would seek revenge.

then, the thing that most strikes Faustino is not the fact of Being Faustino. Nor is being born on February 15. Nor is the fact of having a twin brother but was born before him. This is a guy laid, and does not care about these things.
one on which just can not fly is to have a brother like Valentino.

not exaggerate, Faustino: Valentino unbearable. Armida also says often, even if you do not really think. He says it out of habit, most often with a smile.
Faustino no: he, every time he says it, it does so with the face of one who has thought about for years and continues to believe in what he says.
Valentino, to be honest, it seems really the personification of the party as a consumer that has ever been invented: chirps instead of speaking, has a tattoo on his shoulder that says "Love is all you need, buy an infinite amount of red roses gives to friends and relatives. It is a perennial Valentine's Day. Living with Valentino is like living in the country cotton candy: it is too sweet too dull and too . "Too much" what? "Too", and that's it.
The closer his birthday, then, the more honey. In the week preceding February 14, his valentine (those horrid greeting cards in the shape of heart that so fashionable in colleges overseas) are wasted, the house becomes a nursery, many are flowers that gives the whole the family, sweet dough all day, watching one after another "Casablanca," "A Streetcar Named Desire, "" Love Story "and in recent years," Romeo + Juliet, "crying in the meantime. Stuff of anyone in a crisis of diabetes.

Faustino, by contrast, is the perfect personification of the feast of singles. But the single acids Torque tube loose, not the ones that are serene, single, by choice. No, Faustino is a classic single by choice of others.
Then, in fact, is not so: Faustino can not stay single for more than thirty days yarns. I just can not, has the line under the house and must hurry to dispose of. E it must be said that disposes very quickly, since he can not sit with the same girl for more than two weeks.

speak for a moment of Theorem Ferradini: take a woman, treat her badly.
This, for the first nine days, it is essential: who does the opposite of losing credibility, the woman feels loved too, so you feel suffocated, he begins to worry right away and, lest it become too great, leaves you.
However, after the first nine or ten days, it is essential to give a little 'shooting, little by little, until you get the opposite, ie: take a woman, tell her you love her. It is a goal within four months, if you want to run a report.
Now, the initial approach of Faustino is unexceptionable: the first ten days adheres perfectly to the theorem. His only fault is that then continues on this course of action. And, of course, after fifteen or twenty days at most, the girls unload it. He is sour, with the result that every girl is treated worse: every change is increasingly cold and detached. Going on like this, it will end up not even kiss anymore.
those circumstances, to force the wave of Romanticism that hates his brother forward all day, every day.

Armida, going home on the evening of February 13, has a shock: the entrance is a waterfall of gerberas, Valentino's favorite flower, and the kitchen comes a melancholy piano sound. Armida enters the room stuffing his brother is a multi-layer cake and weeps bitterly knows that watching movies in black and white, with which he explains the melancholy piano.
"Vale ..." hesitates Armida, "Can I ask where you found all those gerberas in mid-February?".
Vantin noisily blowing his nose, smiles and goes to meet his sister hopping: "Mimi, welcome back! They are beautiful, is not it? I found them Nino: it was not love? ".
Nino, or Antonio, is the historic and stoic boyfriend Valentino. Maybe you already caught the slight suspicion that Valentine may be gay. Well, it is.
Antonio is at the same time, and the most unlucky luckiest man in the world, not even his mother loves him because she loves Valentine's Day, and that sums up all his fortune and at the same time all his misfortunes. A Faustino and escapes as Armida has not yet run away screaming, but never stop to thank him: the worst part of his romance, the Valentino unleashed upon him, filling tarts, cookies and chocolates, while not so atrocious death excess blood sugar.
Armida smiled: "Oh, yeah, it was a thought ... really nice. But why do so many, Vale? ".
"There are never enough gerberas in a house!" He sighs Valentino, firing the monstrous multitorta.
Armida is prohibited, supports the bag on the table and, with a sigh, he opens the refrigerator, gulping orange juice.
is in that exact moment that, from the entrance, a curse comes not too muffled. A moment later, the kitchen door, it Faustino, bag slung over your shoulder with the computer and still wearing the jacket: "We opened a nursery and no one has bothered to tell me?" She asked, ironically.
"Tino, welcome back!" Trilla Valentino. Faustino launches a groan and leaves the room, looking vaguely disgusted.
"I was not even given time to warn him ... "murmured Valentine.
"notice of what , Vale?" Asked Armida, slightly worried. The response was immediate: the chamber Faustino comes the echo of a bestemmione worthy of a longshoreman turkish, and five seconds later, Faustino is back in the doorway, his eyes bloodshot, " Vale, us fuck all those fucking flowers on my bed? ".
"I was going to tell you, but you ran away: I could not fit them all in the hall, and so I thought I'd put in your room ... "peeping Valentino, and then adds:" Please, brother, stop using those ugly words! You know you hate the profanity. "
Faustino has a pulsing vein on his temple in a very dangerous when he starts to cry, " Please do not use those ugly words ?! Please ?! I pray you'll thousand times not to bother with your crap from Valentine's Day, but at this point I begin to think that prayers are useless, Vale! Remove travel those plants or from my room, I swear to God , this time you I make them eat. " That said, angrily grabs his jacket and leaves the house, slamming the door.

Armida joins him when he ran almost at the gym: "Fausto", calls him, "Wait." Fausto
stops and waits for her sister to join him. Armida leans against the wall to catch his breath: "I brought the bag," he said, panting.
"How did you know that I would come here?" He asked, removing the bag from his hands. Armida
smiles: "And where would you be able to go, how you been angry?".
Faustino smiles to his sister: "Thanks, Midas."
"I come with you," she replies, and the two start to the gym.
After a moment, however, Armida stops and forced him to turn around: "That there was really very bad, you know? He just wanted to surprise you. "
Faustino has a motion of disgust: "Midas, I hate gerberas. How he planned to surprise me, invading the bedroom of the flowers that I hate? "
" I know, Fausto, I know. But you also know that these things is to never thinks. He likes crazy, Gerberas, yet gave to you, instead of putting it in his room. It is the gesture that counts. "
"The gesture of a horn, Mida! I can not stand by all its sickly sweet Valentine's Day. Pass the sweet, close to a million times to see Humphrey Bogart did not get on the fucking air, losing the Champions League final steps to chat a bit ' between brothers, but my room turned into the rainforest no! I do not accept this!, "He says Faustino," What if mom will dare to repeat for the umpteenth time not to be so hard on him, I swear that I will go home. " Armida
looks down: "It's hard for everyone, Fausto, but you can not react like that. After all, is your brother. Would never do something on purpose to bother you. "
"written on purpose or not, he is succeeding the same."
remain silent for a while '. Armida then sighs, looking at the time: "I'm going back home: it's late and I do not want to go to the gym. What are you doing? ".
"I'm the same. I need to vent. 'A mother not to expect for dinner. " Armida
sighs again: "As you wish," he says, then turns on his heels and go home.
In the next two hours, Faustino does everything possible to forget the face of his brother to take the punch bag kick-boxing, grinding miles on the treadmill, it destroys your biceps with weights. Totally useless, of course: the expression mortally wounded by Valentino is well etched in his mind.
comes out only when the last coach asks him to leave because he would like to close the cabin and go home.
Walk slowly, kicking stones at all he meets. It is no longer angry with Valentino is pretty pissed off with himself to death to have it treated so evil. Not that it has not ever yell, but this time he seems to have very exaggerated.
When he gets home, his mother is sitting at the kitchen table and watching the television: "Hello, Mom's potato chips, greets him with a smile.
"Hello, but," he mutters. Apparently, Valentino is not to be complained of his outburst, otherwise he would have been hung on the wall in no time. Hangs his coat in the hall and into her room: the smell of a flower shop still lingers in the air, but gerberas are gone. Strangely, it does not like how he thought. He pants, closed the door and threw the bag in a corner, then he drops dead weight on the bed, all without turning on the light.
His father comes home from work shift; Faustino it feels to take a shower and sit at the table with his mother. After an hour or so, feel them going to bed. Through the frosted glass door sees the light on in the room of his sister, and for a moment think of going to her, before taking a final decision, however, Armida off the light to go to sleep.
Then try to sleep too.
At two o'clock in the morning, noted the futility of the attempt and gets up.
He walks into the kitchen, steals a cigarette from his father and goes out to smoke on the balcony, with his elbows leaning on the balustrade.
is there for even five minutes, when Valentino out, clutching the jacket, and leans close to him: "Hello," greeted him, hesitantly.
"Hello, Vale," he says, sighing.
"I can not sleep."
"Me neither."
"Do I disturb you, or I can be with you?".
"Go ahead."
Silence. Faustino desperately trying to start a word with the speech, but his mind is a tabula rasa. Fortunately, her brother comes to the rescue: "I'm sorry about today," he says, "I never remember that you hate the gerberas.
Faustino's is grateful for having introduced the subject: "No, It is to me that sorry. Seriously. I do not know what came over me, I did not want to be so hard. " Valentino
shrugs: "Tino, it's nothing, really ... it was my fault ...".
"No, That is, interrupts him, turning toward him. For a moment it is forbidden, as if someone had shot in the stomach with a fist for the first time in his life he realizes how much the two of them are different. Viewing brother, closed his jacket, which trembles with the cold case is for the first time as far as having the features fine, delicate hands, his hair artfully disheveled. And compared with the mental image of himself in cotton T-shirt in mid-February without a hint of a chill, short hair, the cheekbones more defined. He did not even look like his brother. Then, however, focuses on the cut of the eyes, lips, on the hairline, the shape of hands. And smiles. A huge smile, a smile to thank for the ears, mouth or I would do the rounds of the head. Impulse embraces her brother, who jumps, startled, and then returns the embrace.
And there on the balcony, her face buried in the crook of the neck of Valentino, Faustino bursts out laughing and crying together, "Sorry, Vale. I'm sorry. God, how could I treat you so bad? And you, I apologize! You do not have to apologize! You have to claim my own, of apology, and then reject them, tell me I'm like shit, insult me! And then expect me ask you again, sorry! These things do Vale! Let me hear a worm to the idea that you're hurt because of me! God, that is! You're my brother, for Christ's sake! My brother! And I treat you as if you were the last of the stupid do not think just because you like the soft, gerberas and on about the old romantic movies! But how can you endure? If I were in your place, I would have slapped a thousand times! Vale! That is, I love you. " Then he stops talking and begins to cry seriously, pressing on his brother.
Valentino says nothing for a while ': it holds itself and feels tears to my eyes, Faustino calm while waiting. These, after some minutes, runs out of tears, sniffles a couple of times and, without dissolving the embrace, murmuring: "Vale, please ... for 'something ...."
"Tino ...."
"You're choking," moans Valentino.
Faustino lets just go, 'Oh, sorry. Do not ... I did it on purpose. You know, is that I'm not used to ... ", apologized, gesturing that might indicate any thing within five feet.
Valentino smiles: "... to embrace the people," he concludes, "I know. And I know you hate romance and all that is connected to it, Valentine's Day included. So, consequently, hate me, too, that I was born in this evil day. "
"I do not hate you!" Says Faustino, resentful, "I hate everything you've listed, but not you."
Valentino smiles again: "It was to give an idea, Tino. I know I do not hate me: me, you've just demonstrated the kind of hug-vice. Anyway, I will not insult you or force you to repeat your apology several times: once, but well done, it is more than enough. You were really convincing, I assure you. But there's one thing I want to ask, but you must promise me that I did not attack me. "
"I promise you anything you want, Vale."
"So tell me why you hate all this time?".
Faustino does not know what to say. In fact remains silent, his mouth half open in an expression very unintelligent. "I do not know" admits, at last, "I never liked out my feelings, you know. Sometimes I really do think that depends on the day we are born: you are under the influence of rosy Valentine's Day, I am getting the pessimism of the single party .... "
Valentino smiles, but is a half-hearted smile, "Tino, I know that is taken by me crazy, but you could try to take inspiration from a more ... normal behavior, say. How to Mimi, who embraces her friends and can bear to be with the same person for more than fifteen days in a row. Normal things, in fact. No, "he added, seeing that the other is to stop it," I'm not saying to embrace your friends: I know very well that it is not something that can be done quietly, between you heterosexuals. I'm just saying let's go a little 'more. "
"I can not," murmured Faustino, keeping his eyes down. Valentino
hesitate a moment: he has an idea, but does not know whether it is appropriate to express it. In the end, it launches, "Maybe it's my fault," he says.
Faustino looks at him blankly.
"Yeah, I mean ... always jumping around and fill with small pink hearts imagined the air around me ... Maybe my over-exuberance made you come out of a desire to clear all this shit with an attitude of Snow King" explains.
"Maybe. I had never considered this option, in fact. I've always seen my refusal as a response to your love, I never crossed my mind that cause and effect could be reversed ... But in any case, it is due to you, the guilt. In short, you are you. I can not force you to be another way just to change me! "replica Faustino.
"But knowing the cause, you can not solve the problem," suggests Valentino, still smiling.
"Yeah," smiles Faustino in turn.
They hug again and this time Faustino is good care not to swallow your lungs brother.
"I'd be grateful: I'm dying of cold."
The two fall reconciled. In front of the chamber Valentino, Faustino once again embraces his brother: "Tino, do not overdo it: you're not used!" it mocks the other.
"For two hours it's your birthday, I wanted to make you wishes for good, for once. Do not get in the habit, "she smiles back Faustino.
Then they go to bed. This time, Faustino falls asleep immediately.


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