Saturday, March 27, 2010

How To Prepare A Project Report


In this post, only this, you can make me requests for GIF like this:
Remember to specify what effects you want, but mainly let the video which will collect your gif! even if I leave the exact second is better XD

Thank you <3


Friday, March 26, 2010

Large Blisters On Infant

GIF @ Anichan92

I make those gif ^^ if you use it, please credit me!!!

Coat West
Sho X Hikaru GIF @ Anichan92 LJ


SCREW GIF@ Anichan92 LJ

SHINee Gif @ Anichan92 LJ

The GazettE
Filth in the Beauty GIF @ Anichan92 LJ   REGRET GIF @ Anichan92 LJ   Zetsu GIF @ Anichan LJ

39galaxyZ GIF @ Anichan92 LJ 39galaxyZ GIF @ Anichan92 LJ

MUCC GIF @ Anichan LJ   MUCC GIF @ Anichan92 LJ

Saru Lock
Saru Lock GIF @ Anichan92 LJ

Cruel GIF @ Anichan92 LJ

are you ready to rock GIF @ Anichan92 LJ miyavi GIF @ Anichan92 LJ What a wonderful World GIF @ Anichan LJ

Alumnia GIF @ Anichan92 LJ The World GIF @ Anichan92 LJ

Dir en grey
Obscure GIF @ Anichan LJ

Gackt Camui
Jesus GIF @ Anichan92 LJ

Comment ne <3

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where Can I Buy The Frustration Game

21# JRock Icons @ Anichan92 LJ


2x Mikaru [DIO -distraught overlord]
2x Yasu [Acid Black Cherry]
2x Ruki [The GazettE]
2x Kiyoharu Mori [SADS]
2x Kozi [Malice Mizer]
2x Yuki [Malice Mizer]
3x Miyavi
2x Hyde [L'Arc-en-Ciel]
2x hide [Hideto Matsumoto]
2x Gackt Camui

Monday, March 15, 2010

Foods To Eat If You Have Sigmoid Bowel Cancer

Icon Set - Duel Jewel & ViViD

I make this icons of ViViD and Duel Jewel! If you use it, please credit me =)

Duel Jewel [+5]

ViViD [+5]

Comment please <3

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yoga After Gb Surgery

Fly To the Next World {Skin for ForumFree/Blogfree/ForumCommunity}

A few days ago I created this skin installed on the 3 circuits ForumFree, BlogFree and forumcommunity. I hope you like it! if you want to use please let me here the link where use it!

Name Skin: Fly to The Next World

Author: AniyaChan (or Anichan92)
For Codes:

Family Naturism Im America

JRock&JPop Icons

Hey guys! I made these icons on different groups jpop & jrock! I hope you like them, and if you use them please credit me =)


- Alice Nine

in upgrades xD

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sterowniki Logitech Eye Toy

anichan92 @ 2010-03-13T21:11:00

I am 17 years old, made a fabulous few days before my birthday I celebrated with a Miyavi concert in Milan with the result that I was in the front row even though I was not sleeping well for 3 days (but I made up sleeping on the train XD). I am a normal person would say, but I like to change these habits from time to time, I play the bass guitar and taught himself, with good results ...... I think ..... xD

I really like to dress Visual Kei, Dark or Gothic Lolita, but in the place where I live there is beyond me as anyone else.
I have a passion for music, Rock, Metal, JRock, JPop KPop!

Im a ex-photomodel u.u

About my culinary taste .... I love especially the Japanese cuisine, but also the Italian ... I love pizza is fabulous, not to mention lasagna *ç*.
I've never tasted Japanese, Korean or Chinese dishes, but one day I'll want to taste them!

Let's see ... ah yes! My physical description xD I'm 1.61cm high and weighing about 50kg, I have brown hair but dyes them black, eyes are also brown.

I have only 3 dreams:

number 1: go to Japan
number 2: see a Koshien Baseball Match
number 3: see a Baseball match on Tokyo Dome

Friday, March 12, 2010

Exercise Daily Slogans

2009.10.04 - Arigatou Miyavi

2009.10.04 Arigatou Miyavi

Arigatou for realize my, I can fly to the next dream!
Next Dream;
Japan (maybe i visit it in 2011)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Stream Southpark For Iphone

» First JRock Forum ~ JRocker Forum • Your best Resource of JRock&Visual Kei

 » First JRock Forum ~ JRocker Forum • Your best Resource of JRock&Visual Kei

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pokemon Deluge Highest Atack

[Alice in Wonderland] operettas untitled

Title: (operetta untitled)
Fandom: Alice in Wonderland
Pairing: Alice / Mad Hatter
Rating: G
1) I talkative, so drabble are not exactly my forte (nice way of saying that is a complete landslide.)
2) My beta has not yet seen the movie, so I can not read them 'junk Ste. That is, probably not be read. For this reason, I'd like someone did this to me, stick on the keyboard in a constructive manner.
3) The last is what I dislike.
4) I have not even pretended to search for titles.

5) Change the ending, Tim! * Drools *. That one (the last) does not follow the film's ending. The other two, yes, but get a little 'suck.
6) So we talk for a moment the number of words. For the former, they are all in agreement: they are 100, and bon. But then, for the second, Word tells me 200, and tells me FiumiDiParole contaparole of 191, which is a big difference. For the third, Word sets 300, FDP ensures 282. I do not know how to get on. Tomorrow mold and counted by hand, marking every little word, so it established once and for all. Amen and goodnight. For once, the counter is right in Word, but to be fair, I am aware of the number of words determined by the counter FDP: 573 total. That rage, however.

Drabble * *

Sets the point where, until a moment before, was Alice, and hear a furtive tear slipping from the corner of the left eye. I really hope he decides to stay. But he has promised to return, said he will not forget him. But the Hatter can not believe it will come back to Mondosopra many things to do, time will pass so quickly that, remember the promise when it will be too large to tumble into a rabbit hole, never coming back ; to Mondosotto, maybe he will forget altogether. "It's better that way," he murmurs, "You be crazy not to go crazy down here. "

** ** Double drabble

"You might be."
At these words, Alice turns around, his hand in midair, holding the vial of blood Ciciarampa. Her face clears up in a smile, and responded impulsively: "What a crazy, crazy, wonderful idea."
Then he thinks of his mother and his sister must go, at least for them. The smile cracks.
"But I can not. I have to go back there, I have to give answers. I'll be back " promises. And drinks the vial. The Hatter
down his face: "Do not come back," he murmurs.
"Of course I will," cried Alice, indignantly.
The Hatter shook his head: "Do not you remember me ...."
He said "me." "About me". Not "us", not "of this place." He said "Do not you remember me . Alice's heart missing a beat, and she, stifling a sob, whispering: "How could I forget you?".
"Everybody, all the time." The Hatter is bitter smile, and says those words, "Who cares to remember a guy who makes hats? Crazy, too. You forget all about me. You will do the same. "
"No. Do not forget you, "Alice decrees, sure. But the man's face is dissolved already, as she returns home. Even if it is not entirely certain of what his house.

*** *** Triple drabble

"You might be."
At these words, Alice turns around, his hand in midair, holding the vial of blood Ciciarampa. Her face clears up in a smile, and responded impulsively: "What a crazy, crazy, wonderful idea."
Mondosopra think for a moment, and the memory of Hamish the shivers: "But I can not," he says, not entirely convinced. The Hatter
advances toward her: "I miss you, if you would go."
Alice smiles shyly, "Hatter, why is a raven like a desk?".
"I have no idea," admits the man, smiling in turn.
"I yes, they both have feathers," replied Alice, and laughs.
"My word, baby, you are more addicted to March Hare! And she misses more than a Friday, "notes the Hatter, looking wide-eyed. Alice
a deep breath, and stares at him in the face: "I deserve my teacher," he says. His smile widens.
"If so, do you wonder: think of six impossible things, even if the breakfast time is long past," order by the Hatter.
Alice comes together and begins: "One: there is a potion that makes you shrink. Two: there is a cake that makes you grow. " The Hatter
interrupts: "Three: the animals speak."
Alice smiles: "Four: Cats evaporate."
"Five: There is a Wonderland."
"You: I killed Ciciarampa.
"Seven," continued the Hatter, with a faint shake hands, "Alice is a Mondosotto.
"Otto" whispered Alice, "the Hatter Alice kisses." Blushing furiously.
"This is not an impossible thing," smiles the Hatter, "I have rejected and cucirti a donkey hat."
Alice smiles back and hugs the momentum of the man before her. And while hovering in the air does the Hatter, Alice thinks must be crazy to fall in love as a hatter. But on the other hand, are all mad, there, and none will do the case.

Why Cervix Swollen Before Period

"Sometimes I think of six impossible things before breakfast." "Well done, excellent exercise."

Maybe it is Tim Burton. Will that is Johnny Depp. Helena Bonham Carter will be there. It will be that of Alice, I never liked Disney and I've always preferred the original Alice, that of Carroll. Will that 3D is becoming a drug. I do not know what it is, but I love that movie. I loved it so much, really.
But (because there is always a "however"), there are malerrimo remained at the end. I say no more, in case anyone has not seen yet. But v'avviso: the end to leave a bitter taste great.

However, as always I do not know what my favorite character. There are too favorite characters in the story.

The March Hare deserves a nomination, if only for his gaze while holding a spoon, before declaiming, for the note: "Spoon." Here, I'm finished laughing, there XD

Tweedledee and Tweedledum are Tenerini and Paciocco and liked very little - down! I liked very much.

The Cheshire Cat is beautiful *.* I liked a lot the blue stripes on gray hair. Much more beautiful than Disney, so to speak.

Brucaliffo not, however: the Disney I liked more. And then it was the smoke rings in the shape of letters, was a cool U_U

We come to the painful part: the Red Queen. Which, by the admission of Burton, is a mix between the Queen of Hearts in "Alice in Wonderland" and the Black Queen of Alice in the Looking Glass "(in line with the mix of the Disney cartoon, among ' other). Painful part because, while I have always loved the Queen of Hearts, the Black Queen, I never born. You understand well that I am in impasse. And 'certainly the most well made of Disneyana, but this had little to be raining: we are talking about Helena Bonham Carter, is that clear? (Ah, I love it! *.*)

And then there him. The Mad Hatter. Johnny Depp. PERFECT, no other words. No one else was able to make that character so well. It 's just perfect. (Ah, I love him too! *.*)

Well, I do not know what my favorite character, as always.
But it was here that I wanted to go.

What I wanted to say is that I have read a lot of bad reviews: "Exit from the canons of history," "Do not even look like Tim Burton, "My nephew three years would have played better." There. Will that be easy and it is likely that difficult to find a movie that I do not like (have happened three times in all, and one of them was for "A Clockwork Orange", which I then reassessed the following year ), but "Alice in Wonderland" I found it perfectly included in the canons of history (especially because the original is a story without fees), played ottimamante and, above all, precisely in line with the direction of Burton classic. Those who say that usually, in the Burton film, won the outsider, and in this case, the outsider is the Red Queen, have probably noticed one of the last bars of the White Queen: the Knave of Hearts begs her to kill him and she says, candidly, "But I do not owe you any courtesy. " Then
. I find a character so much an outsider, rather than shouting "Off with his head" at every turn. But maybe I am ... U_U

Well, now I've said and I feel better. I can go complain to the final.
short, we are upset. At least there was a little kiss, I think. I had been in Alice would have stayed there, anyway.

I created, just returned from the cinema, just because we are upset. I came out a double and a triple drabble. As soon as my beta betarmi can I do betare (XD) and then place.

I go: I still think of six impossible things before going to university.