Friday, April 9, 2010

How To Make Letter Of Disconnection

[Scrubs] Look but do not touch

Title: look but not touch
Fandom: Scrubs
Rating: G
Word count ( FiumiDiParole): 303
Spoiler (s): none , inserted at will in any season, provided that Kelso has already won the supply of muffins for life ... XD
for the first week of WWF (Warning Fest Weeks) of FiumiDiParole , prompt: voyeur.

"... and so, once in college, I made a bet with some players from the football team, and I determined that if I lost, I would have filled with honey. I lost the bet. But the same was very funny because the next day, leaves a giant monster frightened the entire campus. It was a glorious moment. Of course, when the boys realized that the monster was me, since the leaves were stuck because of the honey ... Dr. Cox? Where did he go? "

Even this time I was able to tell one of my anecdotes, Dr. Cox, but now I could not waste time chasing him all over the hospital: My sixth sense told me that Turk he needed my help.
There it is. Hey, it's serious this time: staring, glassy eyes, abundant salivation. He can not stop watching. I have to do something, before Carla realizes what is happening, or things got even worse.

"Hey, Turk! What are you doing? ".
"Not now, JD."
"But ...".
"Do not now! Can not you see that show? ".
I follow the pointing finger with the eyes of Turk: "It is indeed a show, man, but what if Carla will find in this condition?".
"Come on, dude: Carla knows that the only way for me to vent! And then, look at the scene: it is biting, you know? Before he left on that side there, slowly. Then she licked a bit 'over the top. And now? Oh, my God, JD! You see? He broke in half! Look, the luxurious chocolate is leaking! A heart of soft cream. "

Dr. Kelso looks up: "Turkelton, if not immediately end up spying on me and my muffin, I'll have to call the police."
Turk Poor, wounded soul to a muffin: "Come on, Bear. I am sure I still have a snack sugar free chocolate. "
"Thank you, JD: yes you know you save me from perdition."


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