Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bible Quotes For Housewarming

Help me, please ....

How many times I have criticized those "chickens" ke said that he had fallen in love with a musician / singer famous? How many times have I done? Millions, perhaps .... "But you cm to fall for a k does not know you, but come on ... But there .. You fall in love with a photo? But 're making really bad ", I said ...
And now here I am, almost in the same situation xD I admit, I'm putting really bad .... ç__ç
I'll cry, I can not believe I'm fallin 'I ke ... The worst is ke ke I'm falling in love with someone I do not know, I'm loving the way it is, his words .. No no no someone help me, I seriously need help have a clinical case ç__ç
KAT ammmore I appeal to you, carry on straight viaaaaaaaaaaaa ç__ç
I know we suffer as a ke an idiot, I know .... I know I'm deluding ke, ke is kind to all, k, I am nothing more than a touch in myspace for him ....
But fuck, XKE 'I can not think of him?? XKE 'if I do not respond to messages we suffer? XKE' looking for, XKE '?? XKE' when I read his name my heart beats fast?
Damn, it's okay .... I'm going to put in a big mess .....
We suffer, I know, I feel it in my bones ... Xkè
But then my heart tells me GO AHEAD?
XKE 'I I feel it right this time? xkè autoconvinta I be right?
xkè there are those words, signals, k and lead me to believe at least a little '?
I do not know shit, do not know ... I only have a tremendous fear of suffering, curse ... ç__ç
HELP!! ç__ç


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