Monday, June 15, 2009

Brazilian Blowout Columbus Ohio

Saturday in Milan with Kat ♥

Saturday, June 13, 2009, Kat has come to Milan and we have seen *-*
I'll tell you roughly how it took place the day
9:00 -> I leave the house in plenty of advance, so as to arrive at the station, with 3 / 2 k and I have to take, with the most absolute calm possible .... The first half
arrives at 9:15, and I start jumping up to where I have to change the middle and take the bus ... Get off the tram and the bus is waiting .. Too .. The minutes pass and I BEGINNING to be on alert: I'll be late cazzius! X ° ° D I'm sending a sms to warn Kat ke late, and I start to beat the leg to try to calm down on the asphalt a bit '.. I hate being late, especially if I go an hour early at home>. \u0026lt;
Anyway ... After a lot of time the bus finally arrives ke I must bring to the station where I will ilmetrò to get from Kat ... Sketch off the bus, step two red lights (as was the row of parked cars!) And I run down the subway ... Given that in my life I never took the green line x ° ° ° D I immediately anxiety: which one should I take?? Ç__ç
pass without stamp the ticket (I was stamped on the first streetcar, k you want?: D) and run to try to understand I have to take train ke .... Ok, I have to take what is a farmhouse hump ke .. Perfect!
ARGH!! 3 minutes and a half?? Oo Ok, I'm late, late terrible ....
Vabbeh, at least I warned Kat ... Pass 3 minutes and 1 / 2 set, jumping sultreno and I make 2 stops ke separate me from my metàH
♥ I leave the metro ... PANIC! From ke shit about you leave to go to the party Central Station??
Oo Ok, around like a fool through the halls of meters, overwhelming people with trolleys, old people, immigrants (x ° ° , ° D) until you see the sign "EXIT STATION" Yeah !!!!!! I run like a desperate, I climb the stairs kem the door to the tracks (fortunately ke are already on the track 5), emerged from the corner and I see it, in all its glory .... Red hair, jeans, black T-shirt and tennis shoes ... It 's my metàH!! ♥ walks up behind her, turns around and gives me a smile huge, beautiful, ke warms my heart (xkè was not hot enough already, right? x ° ° D)
would be to make them a photo: chupa chupa in your mouth, look jaunty , T-shirt FASHION (Against AIDS xD) ... D I V I N A!
We salute you, I apologize for the delay and we are moving towards our first destination: Buenos Aires, H & , M .... We walk in the shade to your destination, then we have to keep slots, xkè H & M is on the sunny side of the course-_-'
arrive at the store and catapult us to the stand, Women's pity is that x ° ° D, then climb the ladder and reach the men's department where, to our amazement, we see a lot of designer t-shirts (only the FAA, had a booth on purpose) except those of TH xD
We looked astonished, unable to believe they were all ke exhausted ... But just watching me Kat ke note: in Milan there are a lot of fans, k, probably have bought for her friend ke live in a country where there is no H & M, etc. etc.
So are gone in a flash ... Ok, we do not lose heart and take the metro destination CENTER! ^ ^ C
There 's another H & M, either there are not even there ke? Do I get off in Piazza San Babila, H & M is very close from there! Let's go, we go down to the tears in and ... NO T-SHIRT OF TH!! Ç__ç
be shot, seriously .... If I wanted a Moby or who knows who they had 10 per type, but the TH NOTHING! X ° ° D We're leaving with empty-handed, peace ... They will take on the online shop! ^ ^
Speaking of this and that we get to Via Torino ... We take a long time until we cross the street where unnegozio PIMKIE Kat goes to search for the dress for the EMA [x the record: we have tried lots of combinations "fashion" at H & M but they were all a little 'too flashy .. Kat true? XD] .. Walking through the various departments I notice a yellow dress ke I like it very much, the monster Kat and she says "Yes, sin is yellow ke .. if there was black, maybe .. "turn around and voila! Here there, black, beautiful, just waiting to be tried ... Kat enters the dressing room with two models of dress, but it was more a k a t-shirt to wear with leggings as a dress ... The other was the dress in question, black, strapless, with a braided shoulder strap made at the exact center (front) and crossed across his chest, to finish behind the left shoulder .. Personally I found it very sexy, fashionable and stylish! So I suggested to Kat, k and the test has been satisfied and bought it ^ ^
out of there, step by YAMAMAY to buy bra band to match with black dress! ^ ^
finished shopping, there is going to Parco Sempione, where Melody Fall would come shortly thereafter, must see in ice cream shop, where we "supply" with a cup melon (Kat) and Cucciolone (I) ..
ke Before I could bite my ice cream, I read the jokes to Kat [I have done but did not laugh then, cmq ...] ... One was a zebra ke, the question of a friend "you come to the party tonight?" He answered "no, I can not come, I have a fever HORSE .." x ° ° ° D
The other two animals were (I forget which) said that a frog: "You know what the last straw for a frog ?.... Spit it out! "X ° ° ° D While we eat ice cream and walk .... come to Parco Sempione The heat is hot, our choice of clothing jeans + black T-shirt was very bad, and realize it right now-_-'
arrive in front of the stage where the MP will perform in the evening and met Daniel, the girl co ncui Kat speaks for the organization of the pass, etc.. At 13 MF arrive ke occur one by one, accompanied by their sound engineer (Fusix) and their "merchandiser" Chars [k type, guys!]
But there is immediately evident ke qlcs ke non va ... Ehm small problem: there is no car!! X ° ° D makkina missing with all the tools, etc. xD
Ste and Dave are lost, they are wrong exit and wandering aimlessly xD
After requesting info on a truck finally arrived and they too begin to download and the sound check must be made from 14 to 15:30 but the guys they pick or a 'too easy, so ke Kat urges them a little bit .... Disappear, t-shirts, the boys remain in Bermuda to install everything (ke beautiful vision, guys! X ° ° D) At 14:30 I Kat and we move in front of the stage, followed wheel DAST, to listen to the soundcheck from the front ... And 'the longest hours of my ATV ... Under the sun, drinking bottles and bottles of water ... Finally, the boys tried 3 songs, everything is "set" for the evening, so we can go and settle in the shade under a big tree and the boys go to refresh ...
We settle under the tree when Kat arrival'sms Laura, her friend came to visit ke and watch the concert .. Fresh from our corner and we we approach the girl ... ^ ^
We're going to go in our refuges and cool when the guys throw the idea of playing basketball andre xD No, we did not have to play basketball but only keep him company ... Then we follow them to the basketball court ... E. ... SURPRISE! The field is occupied by the dance schools! X ° ° D
soon as we get "on track" we are hip hop dancers (I think xD), and the boys are there to fix k and end up waiting ... As soon end, however, is announcing the next lesson: MUSICAL! Ergo to play basketball just is not talked about xD
Boys then they go, and we're three girls under the shade trees, sprawled in the grass ...
At some point it seems to be back into an fairy tale come delel EXILE critters dressed as Snow White, Alice in Wonderland, etc. ke sit ns to the right ...
The attack triggered immediate laughter, and I can take two shots to the girls in question (I put them in myspace ....)... We take some pictures of us, Kat you capture while "dancing" on the choreography of the musical do not know which (taking the piss out those dancing on the track ke xD) and then we approach the tent of MF xkè Laura's parents are there and she frceli wanted healthy ... Ke the time we arrived but they went away already, too bad ç__ç Then come back under our mega tree shade, where kids come to us soon .. And they start talking about music, groups "rivals" [to be fair I will not name], critical to the tracks of other groups, etc. ... Our shelter in the shade, however, does not suit them, so we go again ...
We found a beautiful lawn in the shade beyond we have to climb over a small fence ke .. . Kat goes first, then turn to the boys .. Laura and I remain behind (ke knights who I was, among all xD) but we go beyond the fence
free ... There we place under the trees, into two groups: the MF on the one hand, we three women dll'altra ... But not for something eh! Xkè only they were all taken from their speeches and we have made our
Ste talk about the facts he started lying in the sun reading a book, isolated from the world eperso reading .. Incredible as it remained impassive as the others were doing jokes ke ^ ^
At one point, Kat offers to join the boys, so they reach their tree
're talking about ... A COUPLE ADOPTION GAY x ° ° D I can not write what they told ke xkp not remember ... Ke So at some point if Dave comes out with a sentence whose substance was "Think ke nice if everyone could clear purpose in nature who wants, no problem" ... and from there it has led to discussion of high philosophy, led by Chars, followed closely by Fusix x ° ° D
The substance of the speech was the question: but if in nature there was freedom to fuck whoever ... ke means if you like you a huge black guy he would be free to fuck with no problems, no?
And Dave, very nonchalantly replied "eh vabbeh, is the law of the game, no?" x ° ° D
vabbeh And, for an answer so you could not help but laugh: DD
Time is limited, it passes too quickly so they are quick to 18:30 ..
The boys should start at 19 tent xkè have dinner, and unfortunately I have to start to return home .... We walk toward the tent where the boys leave and say farewell Kat ....
Ke ... It 'was a beautiful girona!! Kat as always was wonderful, I really want to a world of good! ETS is a nice guy really mooooooooolto (Kat you understand, k good taste! GOURMET!!: DDD), the MF are all crazy!! I am sympathetic to what little I had to do I could see that they are just the children ^ ^ , laugh, joke, you are fighting the grass menano xD xD ... Other than ROCKSTAR!: DDD
I look forward to the 27, so I shall see Kat ♥
Every minute ke step with her is wonderful! It 's really a sweet girl, available , intelligent, patient ... I'm happy to have met you, Sisi !

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Collapsable Mast 30feet


ENOUGH, now I am really ; route
cock ... I am an adult and vaccinated? YES 'AND
' my fucking life, this? SI '
I will have the right to make us want to fuck ke? SI '
if I will cock my tattoo, do my piercings, my hair people? YES'
So let me live how the fuck I want, slut bitch!
course I am really fucking hear me say "27 years have thrown in the toilet," you're stoned, "but you act xkè no serious person, instead of the moron", etc. Oh
; nasty bitch but I say .. I am killed or killing someone with my behavior? NO, I do not think I've been spending money
YOUR tattoos for me, change your hair color, buy shoes, etc.? NO, I do not think so ...
job 8 hours a day and I earn my money, let us x ke fucking want? SI '
AND THEN MAKE YOU AND YOUR COCKS Leave me alone, bitch bitch.
.. I'm tired, STOVE, of always hearing the same words, for two years and more in this part ... Now I come in one ear and out the other me, I do not scratch more ...
you realized it or not ke me only waste my breath??
you realized it or not you do the liver ke rotten for a cock, xkè so I do not change my ideas? Did you understand or not ke ke me think of what you DO NOT GIVE ; give a FUCK NO RECOGNITION??
did not you understand? worse for you, continue to insult, to spit snetenze not know shit about anything ... Go on, go ... You do not know what I like to see you scream and yell at me any more bad words you can find ke ....
"You suck," "Jump around ke dressed look like a tramp, "" let the girls do to girls, behave in an adult ...
Keep it up, on .. Hurt me, feritemi deep ....
So then you will pay them all, from first to last ...
the wrongs I did not forget, do not forget the bad words ...
You need me one day, you will have xkè ... And then you realize what it means to me ovffeso and insulted for years ... When you need and I will not be 'just thank YOURSELF .. Xkè ke's just you are you taking me to hate you, cursing k and not the day I left the fuck out of the house of shit ...
Esasperatemi from .. I have big shoulders now, it lasts the blow ... Collection and I'm quiet ...
But sooner or later you out of all the vomiting, your malice, your criticism ...
Make a beautiful face with friends, "I am lucky ke she is still at home," " ; mica ah I can not complain, it's always at home ".... But then when we're at home, Satan possession of my body and I become a wicked demon, to defeat ... I
27 years this year, yes, yes ... 27 years pass eh? Eh am no longer shy ke 12enne were doing just the big voice was silent ..
Oh no my beautiful, the era of the "I'm quiet and do not respond "....
Now I say, and sometimes hurt you, but you know I tell you ke?
I do not give a fuck!!
Complain, beccatevi responses ke fuck you do Shut up and ...
you deserve it, I was passing a life of shit ....
Mel'avete passed to qlch years ago but just now ....
E 'ke time me take control of my life, and you you are still and silent and looked at me live in peace ....
Ah, a little note to my dear friend told me ke "ke process is complete except ke you do the piercing ..... You say you love me, say ke ke I know you are opposed to piercings and tattoos ... But you forget that you ke ke among us "NO 'FEELING" ... So I ask you and I wonder KE FUCK YOU WANT FROM MY LIFE, YOU??
you chose not to join, so I thank you for your opinion [ki he asked you, though?] And I tell you kindly LET COCKS YOUR.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bible Quotes For Housewarming

Help me, please ....

How many times I have criticized those "chickens" ke said that he had fallen in love with a musician / singer famous? How many times have I done? Millions, perhaps .... "But you cm to fall for a k does not know you, but come on ... But there .. You fall in love with a photo? But 're making really bad ", I said ...
And now here I am, almost in the same situation xD I admit, I'm putting really bad .... ç__ç
I'll cry, I can not believe I'm fallin 'I ke ... The worst is ke ke I'm falling in love with someone I do not know, I'm loving the way it is, his words .. No no no someone help me, I seriously need help have a clinical case ç__ç
KAT ammmore I appeal to you, carry on straight viaaaaaaaaaaaa ç__ç
I know we suffer as a ke an idiot, I know .... I know I'm deluding ke, ke is kind to all, k, I am nothing more than a touch in myspace for him ....
But fuck, XKE 'I can not think of him?? XKE 'if I do not respond to messages we suffer? XKE' looking for, XKE '?? XKE' when I read his name my heart beats fast?
Damn, it's okay .... I'm going to put in a big mess .....
We suffer, I know, I feel it in my bones ... Xkè
But then my heart tells me GO AHEAD?
XKE 'I I feel it right this time? xkè autoconvinta I be right?
xkè there are those words, signals, k and lead me to believe at least a little '?
I do not know shit, do not know ... I only have a tremendous fear of suffering, curse ... ç__ç
HELP!! ç__ç