Saturday, February 19, 2011

Naruto Shippuden Fakku

[Original] The War of mud pies

Title: The War of mud pies
Fandom: original
Rating: G
Word count (Fiumidiparole): 3210
Notes: for
COW-T of Maridichallenge , first week , Mission # 1: War (Knights team \\ o /)

"The Princess Pauline prepared. Racchietta lizards and helps in the suit and settle the crown. She looks the mirror is beautiful. The hair is long and blacks, the white skin.

We are ready, wild thyme?, Claims the Princess Pauline.

SSSI, Principessssa, everything is ready, you can ssscendere!

Princess Pauline luuuunga down the staircase, with its bright red dress that fri ... that frus ... that flies around. His subjects are anxiously waiting to see it, it's all a trepitìo.

the Serpillo announces Sssua Majesty Principessssa Pauline!

Princess Pauline remains silent, smiling, among his subjects. Wait for the cries of joy. "


"Wait a cry of joy."

profound silence, apart from the old radio crackles in the living room.

"I said, waiting for the cry of joy!" Screams Pauline.

And then the mother screaming, "Pauline! Do not scream like that! ".

Pauline snorts, and he falls on the bed.

"Principessssa, cosss'è sssuccessso? "hisses Serpillo, curled up beside her.

La Mamma, Pauline grunts through the cushions.

Serpillo frowns: "I did it again because sssgridata nossstra?".

"I was scolded because I screamed," Pauline moans, "And I screamed because the others shouted for joy. Thyme, why do not they shouted for joy? ".

Serpillo shake a bit, 'and, nervously, he replied: "You see, Maessstà ... The Voßstrasse sssudditi sssono a bit 'nervosssi lately, e. .. ".

"But it had to cry out," says Pauline. He gets to sit on the bed and points a chubby finger against Serpillo: "I go down the stairs and they cry out yeee!" Screams. Then she immediately covers her mouth with his hand, but it is too late: the Mother's coming in a gallop, and wild thyme slips away.

"Pauline, in short," The Mother scolds, but appears in the doorway of the bedroom, "How many times have I told you not to scream? Who were you talking about? ".

Pauline darkens, sulking and unresponsive.

The Mom sighs: "Pauline, still with this nonsense?".

"I'm not stupid," mutters Pauline, "They are my subjects, and they were not shouting for joy."

"Pauline ...", the mother warns," You have to stop talking with your ... subjects. Come, courage, arranged her hair, which soon arrives Jeanne-Rosette. "

Pauline opens her eyes wide in disbelief, with a grin: "Why?" calls, and in its request all the despair that there is a child of six years may contain within itself.

"Why I invited her mom to take tea, and Jeanne-Rosette is with you, so you can play around 'with," says Mom, patient, "does not make you feel good always alone. "

"But I do not like to play with Jeanne-Rosette. I do not really like Jeanne-Rosette. I want to stay here and play alone, "Pauline is stubborn.

The Mom frowns, worried, but does not yield: alloy hair Pauline, the system and makes the dress sit in force on the sofa in the living room, holding good with a pastry cream.

When mother and daughter cross the door, Pauline was a groan of disgust: the same dress to the flowers, the same hairstyle bush, the same smile. Pauline tries to escape, sliding on his ass off the couch, but her mother throws a dirty look, and is forced to stop the retreat.

"Yvette, but you wonderful!" Trilla Mom, going to meet her friend.

" Oh, Emma," smiled the other, "I know." Then seems to remember the good manners, and adds: "And you , darling." The mother of Jeanne-Rosette is not bad: the problem is that they live a bit 'on the clouds.

The Mom turns to the small clone, "Jeanne-Rosette, how are you good in that dress."

The little girl, always smiling, bowed: "Thank you, Madame , and Mom goes into a swoon.

"Come, sit down," urges, and the two sit elegantly on the couch.

" Hello, Pauline", greets her mother Jeanne-Rosette. "Hello, Pauline", greets her Jeanne-Rosette. At the same time.

"Hello," Pauline moans and goes back to concentrating on the biscuit in his hand.

"Pauline, why do not you and Jeanne-Rosette go a bit 'in the backyard to play: that of the mother is not a question, is a statement indisputable. So Pauline grabs another biscuit sticks it in his pocket and leaves a heavy footsteps, without saying a word, followed by Jeanne-Rosette, bouncing, light and smiling.

Pauline walks briskly to the bench under the arbor, and it is dropped without grace. Jeanne-Rosette sits beside her, carefully settling the suit.

remain so for several minutes without speaking and without looking. Jeanne-Rosette smiling flowers, Pauline mumbles to wild thyme, which is again appeared next to her: "Principessssa not ssstate right?".

"For nothing, wild thyme. You see that? "Replied Pauline, Jeanne-Rosette indicate with a nod imperceptibly.

Serpillo stretches to Jeanne-Rosette and scrutinizes carefully: "I see it, Maessstà. Bothers you, forssse? ".

"Yeah," was the laconic reply, "I can not stand."

"What did you say?", The stop Jeanne-Rosette, "I did not understand a word. Speak louder, please. "

mutters Pauline something in response, and Jeanne-Rosette decides that this is a way as any to begin a speech. Not having understood what Pauline has said, and remembering that her mother has always said that to ask for repetition is not good manners, really wants to talk about what the most want it to: "Pauline, why do not you ever smile? , is the unsettling question of Jeanne-Rosette.

Pauline looks puzzled: "It is true that never smiles."

"Yes it is. I've never seen her smile, " Replication Jeanne-Rosette.

"But I smile. Only when I do not see me. "

Jeanne-Rosette does not seem convinced, and continues with what turns out to be a monologue, "My mom always says that smile is important, because the girls are beautiful smile, and the girls are beautiful beautiful even when they become big, in fact as a child she was always smiling and was a little girl, and now it's beautiful even if it's old. " Jeanne-Rosette end very happy and always smiling.

Pauline thinks for a moment, and then launches the counter-move: "The Mother is not smiling as much as yours, but it is pretty the same."

"Well, you see that smile so much when she was a child and it sufficed." No way, the logic is compelling Jeanne-Rosette. But not satisfied, and goes on: "But you never smiles, and in fact you're a bad girl."

A sentence like that would have devastating effects if given to another by a fifteen-fifteen. But Pauline and Jeanne-Rosette have twelve years in the making, so the answer is not a sequel of insults, but a simple, albeit a bit 'moody: "I'm not bad."

must be honest and consider that Pauline, in fact, is not a pretty girl in an absolute sense: it is natural fiber, a little 'chubby, has too many eyebrows. Jeanne-Rosette, by contrast, is really beautiful: skinny, blond, fair-skinned. The classic doll, in fact.

"I'm not bad," then replied Pauline.

"Well, so that you are! Why not smile ever! My mom always says that girls who smile are like fairy tale princesses, and girls who never smiles are like the wicked witches, ugly and sullen. " He says cheerfully. It is not his intention to hurt Pauline is just an observation. In short, Jeanne-Rosette is not a bad girl, it's just silly.

At this point, however, he rears Pauline: steps being told to be ugly, but definitely not a witch!

"I'm not a witch, I'm a princess", replication, agreed.

Jeanne-rosette bursts into a silvery laugh, "You a princess? But Pauline, you're too ugly to be a princess. "

"But I am." Pauline is now seriously angry: "I have a castle, and a lot of subjects! Ask Serpillo, if you do not believe. "

"Serpillo? Who is it? ". Jeanne-Rosette continues to laugh while he asks.

"It is my Prime Minister," replied Pauline, "is here: ask him whether or not a princess."

"It verisssimo: Pauline is the Principessssa nossstra sssovrana amatisssima" confirms Serpillo, nodding vigorously.

"Well, did you see? And you can also ask my other subjects. There are many. At least eleven. " Pauline is proud of his people. But Jeanne-Rosette seems genuinely surprised: "And where would they be?".

"Do not you see? They're all here, "cried Pauline, and points to them one by one:" Topolo, Lizard, Racchietta, Pobella ...".

Jeanne-Rosette grins, so friendly and stop for nothing, "Are you crazy? There's nobody here. "

"Of course there is someone there are Mostrilli, they are my subjects!" Pauline is stubborn, while Mostrilli in question began to rumble.

But Jeanne-Rosette does not seem to see them: "You're talking a lot of lies: not you're a princess, and there is not anybody. I so instead I'm a princess. "

Pauline feels deep wound. He does not know what to say, and is embarrassed to fixate the tip of your shoes. His thoughts run fast, but how? She Impega years to find someone to nominate princess, and Jeanne-Rosette can decide for herself, out of the blue? Perhaps it is true that it is too ugly to be a princess. But he has of his subjects, surely must mean something! But Jeanne-Rosette does not seem to see them, so can not confirm his kingship. What an ugly situation! Pauline does not know how to get out of this impasse . is about to surrender, giving up his position and giving it won at the Jeanne-Rosette, when, fortunately, Serpillo the ear hisses a fantastic solution, "Maessstà, Fior Di Fango", says only, but the suggestion they land. Pauline thinks that he is very lucky to have a Prime Minister so good. So to speak, of course: wild thyme is still a snake.

plan for victory is well thought out, and, with increased security, Pauline decided crosses his arms and exclaims: "Well, I am a princess and you say you are too. But this garden is too small to two princesses. Then you declare war. " The Mostrilli around her cheering, whistling and wild thyme, "Maessstà, sssiamo felicisssimi: sssacco was a time that desssideravamo fight for you, the people SSSI ssstava bored."

Pauline barely smiles, but he was happy.

Meanwhile, Jeanne-Rosette has risen and is staring down: "I declare war? I agree! So I'll show those of us who is the real princess. "

Pauline also rises: now all his subjects who are there with her, she feels safer. "War are! Weapon or field? "Asked Pauline, turned into a commander.

Jeanne-Rosette does not understand, and looks puzzled: "What do you mean?".

snorts Pauline, but is happy to learn more of the opponent: "When someone declares war on someone else, always decide to leave the weapon or the field. For education. Like when the principles are challenged to a duel: a prince comes, slaps the other and then asks if he wants to choose the weapon or the place. Usually the other chooses the gun, and then lose. "

"Oh," said Jeanne-Rosette. He thought for a moment and then asks: "So who chooses the weapon, always lose?".

"Almost always," says Pauline.

"Then I choose the field," Jeanne-Rosette decide. He looks around and finds a piece of garden that overlooks the living room window. It is not enthusiastic about the declaration of war, at least, fighting down there, there is more likelihood that one of the mothers see, if things go wrong. "There," points out. It is certain had decided well.

The two opposing moving the lawn, and keep at a distance, scrutinizing me. Jeanne-Rosette is quite nervous, and Pauline note, no longer smiles when he asks: "What now?".

"Now I choose the weapon, then we count to three and begin to fight." Pauline winks in wild thyme, which turns to Lilin and nods.

"I want to fight with Pauline ...", pretends to think it over, scratching his head.

Lilin Racchietta then turns around and nods.

Racchietta then look Robetta and claps his hands.

Robetta Topolo then turns around and pulls up the tail. Topolo then ... and so on, until Ciamatta, which snaps the tongue three times, and appears Fior Di Fango.

When Pauline sees it, drop the bomb: "I want to fight with the mud pies!" She exclaims.

Jeanne-Rosette is not sure that I understand well: "With ... what? ".

"With the mud pies! Let me explain, "says Pauline," You make a pile of mud and then put them over the flowers, but good. Eventually, the player who made the cake more beautiful. " Pauline does not reveal the funniest part of the affair, because he knows that otherwise would not accept Jeanne-Rosette.

Jeanne-Rosette reassures you: do you like playing with flowers, and then will certainly be better than Pauline in choosing the most beautiful colors and arrange them best: "Let's start!" She exclaims.

The girls take a bucket of water, knead a bit 'the earth and make two piles of mud the same size: "Because if one is bigger, it takes more time to decorate it, and is not valid," says Pauline. When everything is ready, they set the countdown and the "way", they run to collect the flowers.

Pauline collects many daisies, a pair of violet, peach blossom and one starts to fix it all on his cake of mud. Every now and then glanced at Jeanne-Rosette: he has gathered a lot of different flowers and colorful, and is now putting together a really nice cake of mud. Without ceasing to decorate his cake, Pauline plots with the finest of Mud, taking the low voice not to be heard. Meanwhile, Mostrilli have done a lot of mushy balls of mud, and can not wait to get started.

"Fior Di Mud, you're the only one who can make me win."

"Count on me, Your Majesty. Your subjects have prepared everything, we are ready to fight. Expect one of your signal, "he says Fior Di Fango, before joining the Mostrilli and giving orders left and right.

Pauline still looks toward Jeanne-Rosette: it is almost running out of flowers she has collected, you can not wait any longer.

"Jeanne-Rosette," calls it.

"What?". The answer is not very polite, but in war anything goes.

"I forgot to tell you a piece of the rules."

"What?" Jeanne-Rosette looks up from his cake just in time to see him land next to a ball of mud. Frightened, moves to the side: "What are you doing?" Screams to Pauline.

"It the fun part of the rules: you can hit your opponent with bombs to disturb him, "laughs Pauline, another grenade throwing mud in the direction of Jeanne-Rosette.

"But I told you," screams it again, "So I mess the dress! And the hair. "

"Princesses are not always clear: the war when they do, they get dirty, too," says Pauline, before shouting: "Mostrilli, to the battle."

Jeanne-Rosette can not explain as possible, but it seems that Pauline has ten hands, there are many mud bombs begin to fly around her. When the first strikes, stop asking questions, collecting a handful of mud and throws it to Pauline.

The girls engage in one of the bloodiest battles of the mud of history. Jeanne-Rosette squirms and runs sprawled in a vain attempt to not get dirty, and throw a few bombs of mud at his opponent. Pauline, however, not the least interested in the dress or hair, and, aided by Mostrilli and flowers of mud, forcing soon-Jeanne Rosette yield: the child, in fact, is exhausted after a few minutes, and takes refuge under window the living room: "If you do not stop, I say to my mother!" threat Pauline.

If you in difficult times you see the true kingship, Jeanne-Rosette certainly is not acting like a princess should. Pauline looks at her superiority, "Do you surrender?" He asks.

But Jeanne-Rosette does not want to give up: "Of course not! But that is not valid, we need to do a different war. "

"The war we are doing is this: you surrender?" Asks Pauline again, "If you surrender, I'll leave you alone, and I win."

"No! Do not you win! I'm the princess! "Screams Jeanne-Rosette, on the brink of hysteria.

Then Pauline, implacable, raises his arm: "Flower Of Mud, on my mark."

"I'm ready, Your Majesty."

"Now!" Cried Pauline, shooting down his arm.

Jeanne-Rosette is not able to say what it was. The most likely thing is that fear has exaggerated the reality of the moment: having launched more than a handful of mud a bit 'bigger than the other, Pauline could not have done. Yet it is ready to swear that he saw a scarecrow and a forest of ugly creatures operate a catapult and spread on a bucket of muddy slime.

Fortunately for him, his scream come out to help the mothers: "What's going on here?" Asks Mama. Then note the dress of Jeanne-Rosette, "Pauline! What have you done? ".

"We were playing with mud pies and have a bit dirty 'Jeanne-Rosette's dress, but I did it on purpose, and she started to scream," Pauline replied, candidly.

"You dirty a bit ', Pauline?" Mother scolds her, "Look what the state is."

In fact, Jeanne-Rosette's dress is pretty dirty, but his mother does not seem to us the event too: "Oh, Emma, does not matter," reassures her, "Pauline often played outdoors, and watch her dress: it is untouched. Jeanne-Rosette never play in the garden, not used to be careful not to get dirty. " The mother of Jeanne-Rosette is proving quite reasonable, and is a rare occurrence: the mother prefers not to say anything, not to ruin the moment, but think of how many times Pauline falls in house dirty from head to toe.

Jeanne-Rosette does not seem to agree with this version of events: "Not true, liar!" Explodes, "You did it on purpose, just because you've dirtied all I said you're ugly! True that is ugly, Mom? Why never smiles, as you say. "

's mother Jeanne-Rosette, rather than confirm, the yells, "Jeanne-Rosette! You do not say to people if they are bad, is bad manners! Apologize to Pauline. "

But Pauline, now that he has won, is steeped in majesty: "It does not matter, Jeanne-Rosette is right: they are not as beautiful as her. I have to smile more, I become so great as beautiful as my mother, "she says, and then opens into a wide smile," I'm sorry for the dirty clothes, Jeanne-Rosette, I did not want, "he adds. Mother smiles, and smiles even the mother of Jeanne-Rosette, 'Look, you've heard, Jeanne-Rosette? How polite and kind, Pauline. We apologize even if it did that on purpose, and I apologize if you said in malice. You should learn from her, "he says. Then she turns to her mother: "Sorry about that, Emma, now we just go."

"Of course, Yvette, I accompany you."

While leaving, Pauline greets them with kindness and a hint of a bow. Mother looks at her surprised, but says nothing: he knows very well that Pauline has done much not on purpose to engage in a battle of mud, but in the end, apologized, then that's fine. He decides not to investigate further: "Pauline, went into the house or play a little 'out?", He asks only.

"I'm still a bit ', Mom. I have to do something. "

The Mother smiles back into the house and peeping through the window of Pauline living room to see her empty talk, answering a few questions. Then, for a dozen times, makes a motion as if he were squeezing a hand. Finally, turning to see the neighbor's lawn to greet someone and grand gestures. The Mom glances, but, of course, there are none. Unless that Pauline is not saluting the great scarecrow in the field, in other words.

Pauline Then back into the house, happy, talking in low voices with wild thyme. That same evening, in his castle displays a brass plaque with the date and a written statement: 'The War of the mud pies she won the Princess Pauline, thanks to Mostrilli and Fior Di Fango. The Princess Pauline is still beautiful, but wants to be big, so it can continue to be a princess. Therefore, from now smiles more '.

And it does. Mama is so glad I do not always see it that stops pouting even scold her when she talks to his subjects. It will not tell anybody, but sometimes takes a movement near the foot of Pauline, and can not help but think that perhaps the Mostrilli there really are.


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