Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tally 7.2 Memory Access Voilation

late but ...

Merry Christmas to all.
I hope you all had the good!

Things here are worse every day and I seriously considered the idea of returning home. Now I'm looking for work and home so far from here at least you can appreciate this country (which for the moment I hate more than ever).
I would have so many things to complain about (first of all in the constant shoveling shit on Italy not knowing certain things that the double-passport comes in handy, eh-) but do not help anyone (and in fact I'd be more nervous pimples in my face and feeling of vomiting).
Let's just say that it is thanks to the words of the people I met in Japan (and still feel) that I still want to go ahead and I can see a reason to stay here (among other things, a friend invited me han to go and see a friend in Thailand and Malaysia might move from here, which means that I can go see him!).
vabbeh And, it means that I rimboccherò the sleeves, I'll find something to do, I move, I will be friends (or at least meet people you meet can speak) and begin to appreciate something of this land.

Ah, among the new one that will make you cringe: I tried to eat kangaroo meat. It was not bad.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Where To Purchase Gaggia ,tampa,fla

One of the reasons why I would return home in a hurry.

do not think there is a need for explanation.
Qualcosa ceh dovrebbe essere italiano

I also wanted to know the greek to understand even if their sign was full of errors.